Hands on hatching and help

Yeah, I have some that take about 45mins to an hour. Usually if they go over an hour then they stop, I'll step in.
They do do strange things sometimes! I had one that fully zipped but the membrane was sorta intact in certain places so it fully zipped all the way around again!

I has one just this last hatch that went all the way around and about half way around again, then finally pushed out! Odd...

The quail, on the other hand, would go about 3 quarters of the way, then break the shell the rest of the way by just pushing on out!
I has one just this last hatch that went all the way around and about half way around again, then finally pushed out! Odd...

The quail, on the other hand, would go about 3 quarters of the way, then break the shell the rest of the way by just pushing on out!

Those little buggers!! That's what the chick did when I cracked the egg and had packing tape sealed over the crack. I figured I would need to help it zip but it started zipping over night. The tape covered a good portion of the egg and I could see where the chick zipped a little more then half way and just pushed that egg open! Lol.
I has one just this last hatch that went all the way around and about half way around again, then finally pushed out! Odd...

The quail, on the other hand, would go about 3 quarters of the way, then break the shell the rest of the way by just pushing on out!
That's what most of my chicks do. Go 3/4 or a little more and then just push.
Yay, thanks for hooking me up with minehorse97 Ravyn. Just heard back from her and she thinks she may be able to send me some baby anconas in a couple weeks. That's good because I had tried 4 other hatcheries and not a single one of them responded.
I have a serama chick that hatched out two nights ago. Today is 21 days, I have another one that has piped internally and looks like it can't pip the outer shell. I wanted to pip a small hole to get some air in but the shell feels very hard. Should I attempt to give it a little pip and if so what's the best way. TIA
I just set my second hatch this week. Four eggs from a little flock of legbar crosses I got at a poultry swap last weekend and a dozen EE/OE hatching eggs I bought from a local farm. Should be quite a colorful little group when they hatch!
I have a serama chick that hatched out two nights ago. Today is 21 days, I have another one that has piped internally and looks like it can't pip the outer shell. I wanted to pip a small hole to get some air in but the shell feels very hard. Should I attempt to give it a little pip and if so what's the best way. TIA

I only make a tiny safety hole if I know that the chick has been internally pipped for over 24 hours. As the chick looses oxygen the co2 inside the shell builds up, it causes the chicks neck to spasm and pip the outter shell. So it's a very specific process.

I just set my second hatch this week.  Four eggs from a little flock of legbar crosses I got at a poultry swap last weekend and a dozen EE/OE hatching eggs I bought from a local farm.  Should be quite a colorful little group when they hatch!

I just set 2 dozen plus silkie eggs on Friday night!! Good luck!!
I only make a tiny safety hole if I know that the chick has been internally pipped for over 24 hours. As the chick looses oxygen the co2 inside the shell builds up, it causes the chicks neck to spasm and pip the outter shell. So it's a very specific process.
I just set 2 dozen plus silkie eggs on Friday night!! Good luck!!
xs 2 I would only after 24 hours as well. A push pin/tack or a needle will work to score the shell and make a little hole.

Yay for more babies!!!!

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