Hands on hatching and help

Nope, the white egg is unzipping now. Guess it heard me and decided to prove me wrong.
All this talk about candling, malpositioning, internal and external pips, zips, cheeping and rocking eggs, and all of the photos, bring back what it was like to have incubatoritis - you know, where your itis are glued to the window of the incubator.
i know how you feel i was that way with my call ducks and now i have 2 chicks that have pipped one is churping away but not zipping !!

I would feel so much better if they would just pip externally. 2 out of 4 have internal pips. I thought it was 3 but not so sure now. That last one is close though. The little baby that hatched seems to be having a bit of trouble with its breathing. It's really active but seems to pant a bit and I thought I heard a crackle sound. Praying that I'm just exhausted.. :(

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