Hands on hatching and help

Aaand....after weeks and 3 batches of eggs to sweat over in the incubator, I have a broody. <sigh> And BOY, is she broody!! I thought Attila the Hen was bad when she wanted to sit on eggs - Four has nothing on her!! (Four is her name - I had 8 Buff Brahmas and I couldn't tell them apart. So I named them One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven and Eight. That way when I called out a name, I at least had a one in eight chance of being right! Four is the only one I know for sure because of her tail.)

So now, just before we leave on our cruise, I get to try to break an aggressive, big fanny Brahma.
Aaand....after weeks and 3 batches of eggs to sweat over in the incubator, I have a broody. And BOY, is she broody!! I thought Attila the Hen was bad when she wanted to sit on eggs - Four has nothing on her!! (Four is her name - I had 8 Buff Brahmas and I couldn't tell them apart. So I named them One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven and Eight. That way when I called out a name, I at least had a one in eight chance of being right! Four is the only one I know for sure because of her tail.) So now, just before we leave on our cruise, I get to try to break an aggressive, big fanny Brahma.
Heehee! :gig good luck!
And here's how a broody does it. :yiipchick
I got a quick peek at the little one, and pulled the egg shell. Saw a couple more external pips under her. :)

Finally got around to posting pictures of the malpositioned chick that I assisted. I ended up having to help all 3 that hatched due to shrink-wrapping problems. Apparently buying a cheap incubator wasn't the best option... Anyways, after my broody hen had 1 of her 2 chicks die, I ended up giving her my 3 incubated babies. Now they're a happy little family.

From left to right is Nugget (mom), Biscuit, Egg, Sushi, and Cheese.

14/17 of my shipped EE eggs are alive!! :weee

Congrats,congrats!! :)
Would love some advice! First off - I'm incubating 7 eggs right now that were under a broody who quit after 2 weeks, and she'd been sitting on them inconsistently for a couple of days at that point, but apparently just enough to keep them alive. This was broody's first time to be broody (at 4 years of age, even, it was weird!) and she never plucked her breast, so not sure if humidity early on was ever what it should have been. Eggs went under the broody (in a private cage inside the house, because our roo is weirdly obsessive about what goes on in the nest boxes) on Tuesday, June 7th. So we're on day... 24 now? We went on 'lockdown' on day 18. I'm using a Brinsea Mini Eco incubator, but it doesn't have a humidity detector, so just keeping the water well filled. Two eggs seemed to also be developing slower than the others, but are now catching up. I have been candling 2x/day (morning and evening) since day... 21/22? One of those. I am definitely a hands-on hatcher, even if this is only my first hatch. Screw lockdown. They were 'late'. Over last night and today, we finally have internal pips! First chick pipped sometime yesterday before 9 pm (I had last candled between 5 and 6 that morning). Two more pipped right then, and then three more pipped overnight between 2 pm and 5 am (when I get up every morning). I'm pretty sure #7 has internally pipped at some point mid-morning today, but I'm not seeing a good view of it so not completely positive. (This is all internal pipping.) 20 minutes ago - I got cheeps from #1 internal pipper! Still no sign of EXTERNAL pipping on any of them, though, and I candled again. Air cells are definitely getting bigger, but #1's is really big and looks to be conforming to the shape of the chick, and I can't see a definitive beak anywhere. I *can* see it breathing, but wondering if it is malpositioned, and possibly worried about 'shrink-wrapping'. Since I don't know for sure if it's been 24 hours since it internally pipped, should I wait much longer (it will have DEFINITELY been 24 hours by 9 pm tonight - currently 2:40 pm), or try and open it up from the air cell end?
I read that the chicks have hatched already (congrats :celebrate ) but I just wanted to add in that I use my mini Eco constantly (it's my fav out of all of mine) and if I fill both wells I'm at 100% humidity. Right now if I fill 1 well I'm at 75%. During winter I use a tiny cap in the second well and fill 1 to get to 75%. This is a really cheap, but surprisingly accurate hygrometer that fits on the back dome perfect.
Same! I just can't help it. "Are they internally pipped now? How about now?" Lol.
X2! :lau
Well today has already been exciting. Firstly, when I went out this morning I was greeted by the sight of my very skittish frizzle hen with five chicks :eek: I didn't even know she was broody! I have no idea where her nest was, and she won't let me get close to her or the babies before she takes off, but I did manage to count them, at least. If she successfully keeps them alive (I can't catch her to move her and them to a safe place) then they are going to be very skittish. And then while I was out there doing other things all the birds started running for the coop and my dog perked up and started walking towards something. I thought it was a predator. Nope! Potbelly pig. So I had it in my yard and chicken run for awhile until it wandered away. Wonder if I'll be seeing more of it.
That is so funny because I have a pot bellied pig that wanders into my yard too! It goes right up to the chicken run and the chickens go bizzerk!!
[COLOR=333333]Anyone know what this malposition is?[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333] [/COLOR] [COLOR=333333] [/COLOR]
Amy said it already, and I didn't know it was the left wing either. :)
Hey guys. I got some expensive eggs. I plan on putting them in my brinsea mini adavnce. So far the eggs I put in there in the past haven't developed well. I'm wondering if it's the turner. Should I just leave it out with these ones or should I adjust the size? Thanks. :)
Can you take the turner out and use it like the Eco? My best hatches are in the mini Eco with hand turning. If you can then definitely go for it!
Well, the little rescue chick didn't make it
I know I did all I could for it though.

In happier news, the guinea breeder kept her promise. Today I received 12 pinto guinea eggs in the mail. I'm not sure how the trait passes on but at least I'll finally have some 'pied' birds, fingers crossed. I also have three white keets coming from a hatchery next week so that I can make my own pieds next year.
Awe, sorry to hear it. Congrats on the guineas, good luck with them!

Finally got around to posting pictures of the malpositioned chick that I assisted. I ended up having to help all 3 that hatched due to shrink-wrapping problems. Apparently buying a cheap incubator wasn't the best option... Anyways, after my broody hen had 1 of her 2 chicks die, I ended up giving her my 3 incubated babies. Now they're a happy little family.

From left to right is Nugget (mom), Biscuit, Egg, Sushi, and Cheese.

Aaand....after weeks and 3 batches of eggs to sweat over in the incubator, I have a broody. <sigh> And BOY, is she broody!! I thought Attila the Hen was bad when she wanted to sit on eggs - Four has nothing on her!! (Four is her name - I had 8 Buff Brahmas and I couldn't tell them apart. So I named them One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven and Eight. That way when I called out a name, I at least had a one in eight chance of being right! Four is the only one I know for sure because of her tail.)

So now, just before we leave on our cruise, I get to try to break an aggressive, big fanny Brahma.
LOL Isn't that the way it goes?

14/17 of my shipped EE eggs are alive!!
Sorry I have been MIA! I am caught up and I actually read every post! Between a sick baby being up all night, planning a summer vaca with the kids, and cleaning the ducklings brooder 500 times a day, I have had zero BYC time! :(
I'm happy to hear about everyone's great hatches and broody hatches. And I'm so sorry Amy, about your little silkie. I already told Amy this but my little toddler wandered into the run while everyone was out free ranging and I was burning wood for ash for the new dust bath and he picked up the wooden ramp that leads to the coop and dropped it on one of my favorite paint hens! She died almost instantly. I was kicking myself for even letting him go in there but I never thought that would happen. Each experience gives us lots to learn. It's not your fault, Amy. It happens to all of us.
Anyway, the ducks and chickens are all doing good and my neighbor is going away for the weekend and I'm taking care of his animals. He's paying me by letting me keep whatever peahen eggs I collect! So I will have some available to ship on Tuesday if anyone is interested. I took pics of the parents today. :)

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