Hands on hatching and help

I have two chicks at the moment and I candled the rest of the eggs 2/10 had a big blob one was all full the other was almost full I could see a claw I think. Will they hatch? Is there anyway they can hatch it's day 23
I have two chicks at the moment and I candled the rest of the eggs 2/10 had a big blob one was all full the other was almost full I could see a claw I think. Will they hatch? Is there anyway they can hatch it's day 23

All the ones I just hatched over yesterday and today were at day 24 and 25.
I'd let them do it themselves personally... were the temps low? Shipped or local eggs?
xs 2

A safety hole is fine, but I personally wouldn't do a 'pip' for them in the area that they're likely to pip. I'd let them to that on their own. I've done safety holes before when I had rare and expensive birds (peafowl most recently, also geese) or when I was afraid the chick would turn when zipping and occlude its pip and suffocate, and they always pip and finish up on their own, no help needed
xs 2

I have two chicks at the moment and I candled the rest of the eggs 2/10 had a big blob one was all full the other was almost full I could see a claw I think. Will they hatch? Is there anyway they can hatch it's day 23
They can yes. My very first hatchling was a day 24 hatch. Keep in mind that the farther from hatch day they go the higher chance of developmental issues that can present. Doesn't mean they will, but the probability is greater. I myself could never give up on a chick that was still showing signs of life, but I know the chances too.
A safety hole is fine, but I personally wouldn't do a 'pip' for them in the area that they're likely to pip. I'd let them to that on their own. I've done safety holes before when I had rare and expensive birds (peafowl most recently, also geese) or when I was afraid the chick would turn when zipping and occlude its pip and suffocate, and they always pip and finish up on their own, no help needed :)

Thanks. I'm definitely still learning all this. I was worried after I made the safety hole that maybe they couldn't pip themselves lol. I know it sounds silly. After that, one did actually pip all by itself lol. :)

xs 2

xs 2

They can yes. My very first hatchling was a day 24 hatch. Keep in mind that the farther from hatch day they go the higher chance of developmental issues that can present. Doesn't mean they will, but the probability is greater.  I myself could never give up on a chick that was still showing signs of life, but I know the chances too.

Ok thanks. I know alot of this you learn from experience but these eggs are really special to me. I've wanted silkies forever and I can't get them locally so of course I'm terrified of losing even one. :)
Thanks. I'm definitely still learning all this. I was worried after I made the safety hole that maybe they couldn't pip themselves lol. I know it sounds silly. After that, one did actually pip all by itself lol. :)
Ok thanks. I know alot of this you learn from experience but these eggs are really special to me. I've wanted silkies forever and I can't get them locally so of course I'm terrified of losing even one. :)

Hi Jennifer.
Don't you live in Redding?
Hey guys I'm torn up. One of the 2 that was chirping and trying to pip died. I checked on it and it was making no noise and no movement. I tapped and it was completely still. I opened the egg and it's perfectly formed and ready to hatch. Yoke was absorbed and the blood vessels had receded. I'm kicking myself. I feel like I should have made a pip for it earlier when it was lively. The second one is still alive and chirping. I don't know what to do. Every chick in this batch has had problems from the beginning. Should I help the other one? What if it dies before it can hatch. We are going into day 23 and only one has successfully hatched. Please some help here would be so appreciated. I don't want to lose this other baby!!
Hey guys I'm torn up. One of the 2 that was chirping and trying to pip died. I checked on it and it was making no noise and no movement. I tapped and it was completely still. I opened the egg and it's perfectly formed and ready to hatch. Yoke was absorbed and the blood vessels had receded. I'm kicking myself. I feel like I should have made a pip for it earlier when it was lively. The second one is still alive and chirping. I don't know what to do. Every chick in this batch has had problems from the beginning. Should I help the other one? What if it dies before it can hatch. We are going into day 23 and only one has successfully hatched. Please some help here would be so appreciated. I don't want to lose this other baby!!

Have you candled it? Are you sure it's internally pipped? If you've had problems with all of them, I'd probably make a pip for it myself at that point. But I've also only done one hatch total, so take my thoughts with a grain of salt.
Have you candled it? Are you sure it's internally pipped? If you've had problems with all of them, I'd probably make a pip for it myself at that point. But I've also only done one hatch total, so take my thoughts with a grain of salt.

Yes I candled it. I think it's because they were shipped. I just candled the other 2 and it looks like different parts of their bodies are in the air cell. Not the beak but their backs. I don't know what to do....

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