Hands on hatching and help

That's really interesting.  Do you run the incubator completely dry then?  I live in England (quite wet here) and have never thought of that.  Ducks are hard! But if that has helped you with hatches, i would be interested to hear more!
I also live in England
yep I don't add any water my humidity as at 29% before it was between 45-50 and I was having so many quitters or ones that died during hatching also drowned my ducks last time because of it so I gave this a go and I've only had 2 quit! I'll bump it up to 65 during lockdown but it's so much easier and less stressful doing it this way.
:frow :hugs  How's My favorite little Eskimo? Depends on how much blood was lost .It should hatch on it's on .   You have the piped end higher yes ? And your watching life sign right . You know me I'm a crack it open and pull that sucker out kinda guy . You've  been doing this long enough you know all the signs and what to do when the time comes . Good luck with the chick :fl

One of mine does this yesterday. Should be fine if it's not to much blood! Unfortunately mine pipped through a big vein and didn't make it

Thanks everyone!!! It hatched on its own last night before I went to bed.

BYC!! I am doing well. Always hustling...with after school activities, working part time and the like. How are you!?
So I just had to cull that bloody pip chick!!! :hit :hit. That's the first time I have ever had to do that. :( I went to check on it and it had 2 weird slices in the rump and it's intestines were hanging out!!! :hit. It was a perfect one also! All black allover including toes!!! :(
I will bear that in mind for next time (if i get through this of course). I had meant to ask - have got some coconut oil now - should i open the incubator to put it on the membrane or leave it for a few more hours?
I will bear that in mind for next time (if i get through this of course).  I had meant to ask - have got some coconut oil now - should i open the incubator to put it on the membrane or leave it for a few more hours?
I'd open it now quickly and get some on there. Great stuff! Make sure it's nostrils are clear whilst your doing it I had a duck die from having that sticky stuff dry up around its nostrils. I feel your worry right now they do like to test us lol
Ok here he is. . He isn't shivering now, but of course humidity is still adjusting back down since I took out the tissue. Couldn't see his nares, so am assuming they are ok. Only popped oil on the bottom bit, is that ok?

Can't tell for sure... the part of the shell that is removed... is the membrane also removed, or is the membrane still covering that left half? Personally, I think it looks ok for now. Once he starts to wiggling more, you might need to rub it down again, just to make sure its not stuck to him. But it looks good and soft at this point. And if/when you do it, you could also chip away a little more of the shell away, toward the floor (and even a little above the bill). Chip the shell off first, moisten the membrane, look for bleeders and if none, peel the membrane back too. It just makes it easier for them to slide out when they are ready.
@WVduckchick Thank you. There is part of the membrane on the right removed, but the bottom left has oil on it which is why it is a funny colour i think. I think i might need a drink of wine before even thinking about the next step (hoping he just jumps out himself!) I will definitely start at the top if i can - the shell does seem to be covering a lot of his head? Do you think he could hatch himself at this point?

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