Hands on hatching and help

I should also add I dry incubate at around 30-35% for the first 18... I'm in FL so to even get the humidity that low I run a dehumidifier in an ac controlled room. For the last part I go for 60-65%. Once they start hatching and adding their own humidity the numbers climb higher on their own. I do have a brinsea hatcher with the humidity pump and while it does a great job at setting the initial humidity, they all spike about the same once hatching begins.

@WVduckchick - if you do go for a cabinet incubator, I can't say enough good things about the sportsman.... I also have Dickies, brinsea, and RiteFarms. The Dickies and the Brinsea are good units... no real complaints... but the GQF is a cadillac. The RiteFarms though... Steer clear of them... cheap chinese... I bought them for a volume contract (that fell through right after... oh well)... They hold 524 but the best hatch I've had out of them is 50-60%.

Oh maybe some day, but at this point, my husband would likely divorce me, if I mentioned a cabinet!

Thanks for the info though!

So I just noticed that six of my chicken eggs have pipped externally, which is good, but humidity was down to 23%!


Kathy! 23%?!?!?
I should also add I dry incubate at around 30-35% for the first 18... I'm in FL so to even get the humidity that low I run a dehumidifier in an ac controlled room.  For the last part I go for 60-65%.  Once they start hatching and adding their own humidity the numbers climb higher on their own.  I do have a brinsea hatcher with the humidity pump and while it does a great job at setting the initial humidity, they all spike about the same once hatching begins.

[COLOR=333333]@WVduckchick[/COLOR] - if you do go for a cabinet incubator, I can't say enough good things about the sportsman.... I also have Dickies, brinsea, and RiteFarms.  The Dickies and the Brinsea are good units... no real complaints... but the GQF is a cadillac.  The RiteFarms though... Steer clear of them... cheap chinese... I bought them for a volume contract (that fell through right after... oh well)... They hold 524 but the best hatch I've had out of them is 50-60%.  

Omg I want a cabinet so bad. My husband wouldn't let me right now either lol. Someday. Seriously I'm aspiring towards it. All I have to do is convince my husband that I need it lmao.. :p

So I just noticed that six of my chicken eggs have pipped externally, which is good, but humidity was down to  23%!


Geez that always happens to me too with the brinsea mini advance. It's awful with humidity and I have to fill it up everyday.. :(
Quote: They're just mutt eggs, so I could experiment. Kind of already am... these are eggs I removed from a nest at about 7 days in. I was gonna toss them, but placed them on my counter until I could candle them. About a week later I got around to candling them and decided to see what would happen if I stuck them in the incubator.


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