Handwritten, personalized Letters From Santa w/ North Pole AK Postmark

Thank you, I got your order and Mother Goose's!

My kids eyes bugged out when I started putting Christie's letter together because I had to go get a special envelope and a couple of different stockings so all five of her kids have a unique stocking and wooden ornament. This will definetely be industrial Santa mail,

Last call on the letters, I needed to have any orders made and paid for by Sunday night, so I can mail them out Monday morning will all of the others. You can paypal me at [email protected]
Thanks Leslie! Alex's letter and things came today and he is so excited to hear from Santa! He is amazed that Santa knows so much about him. Now he can't wait to put the oats out for the reindeer. The chickens are going to be jealous!

buster got his letter saturday. it was PERFECT timing. we were at home depot doing some shopping and he came running to me saying he wanted to buy a red reflector so that santa would know to stop at our house. i kept telling him not to worry, that santa know where we live. he was so bummed i wouldn't buy it for him and kept muttering all the way home how santa wasn't going to find him.

when we got home, i checked my mailbox and there was your package! i ran to buster and told him he got a package from santa. OH, you should have seen his face. and i then told him, "see, santa knows where you live". he was soooo happy and kept telling me how much he loves santa and santa is the best santa in the whole wide world and santa is so kewl and on and on....

thank you so much leslie for your service. it made my son's day and mine to see him so thrilled.

HOW SWEET - ALL MY BABIES ARE GROWN 19, 25, and almost 28.

We used to live in Alaska and would send Santa Letters to all the kids we knew in the lower 48.
I am so glad it arrived, I have been on pins and needles for the past week, waiting to hear that letters have been arriving. With my string of bad luck of late, I was hoping it would stay isolated to me. Tell Buster that Santa thinks he is pretty kewl, too!

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