I'm good with my animals but not so great with computer stuff so feel free to laugh at my mistakes I finally talked my better half into letting me get chicks this past April and my obsession began! Started w/ 6 straight run rir. Ended up 3 darkie chicks roosters and 3 "lighty" chicks hens. When old enough to tell difference 2 roos got put out of coop and became known as 'free' and 'range'. I never heard of lapdog roosters until then! Coon snatched 1 then a month later fox knabbed the other. Got 3 free bg crosses from neighbor during summer. (My better half didn't like this surprise so I had to build THEIR coop by myself Better half finally came around to my hobby but says he 'ain't never seen nobody care for chickens like you do!' I know it's not the -right- time of year but we got 6 eggs due to hatch friday! So excited