Happy cluckin from appalachian SW VA


7 Years
Nov 6, 2012
Appalachian mtns
I'm good with my animals but not so great with computer stuff so feel free to laugh at my mistakes:D I finally talked my better half into letting me get chicks this past April and my obsession began! Started w/ 6 straight run rir. Ended up 3 darkie chicks roosters and 3 "lighty" chicks hens. When old enough to tell difference 2 roos got put out of coop and became known as 'free' and 'range'. I never heard of lapdog roosters until then! Coon snatched 1 then a month later fox knabbed the other. Got 3 free bg crosses from neighbor during summer. (My better half didn't like this surprise so I had to build THEIR coop by myself:rolleyes: Better half finally came around to my hobby but says he 'ain't never seen nobody care for chickens like you do!' I know it's not the -right- time of year but we got 6 eggs due to hatch friday! So excited
Hello and welcome to BYC from Kentucky. Congratulations and best wishes for a successful hatch rate. We just had fifteen hatch about three weeks ago. Mommy and some of her babies in image below!

Hello and welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us!
Thanks everyone! Those kentucky chicks are beautiful. I have a chicken wish list and buff silkies are on it. Maybe I won't have eggs in the cardboard box if I had a fluffy puffball to mommy them:) Since chickens are MY hobby and not my better half's, I have to build all coops, etc as my wishlist gets shorter. I don't mind a bit!
Hi and :welcome

Sounds like your'e doing a great job! I admire anyone who can build coops on their own. :lol:

I hope you find all the info you need here, and enjoy the site. :D

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