Happy Ducks?


Aug 31, 2016
I'm not sure my ducks are very happy. They live in our chicken coop with our chickens and they never seem to "bed down" at night. I've gone out at night to check on everyone before I close them in and the hens will be all roosted up for the night and my ducks are standing in the corner, no matter what time I go out there and the same with the morning. I was out there at 5 this morning and the hens were very cranky I was out there that early and never even got off roost but my ducks were standing in the corner. Now they aren't as relaxed with us as our hens are. So I don't know if they hear me coming and get ready to "flee" if need be or what but I'm concerned they aren't enjoying their home. Am I crazy? (My husband would say yes.. haha)

Anyone know what kind of ducks they are by chance? We just got them from Tractor Supply and the lady told me, they just get random ducks.
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Anyone know what kind of ducks they are by chance? We just got them from Tractor Supply and the lady told me, they just get random ducks.
They're khaki campbell ducks.

As far as being happy, that's a difficult thing to guess. Ducks sometimes do stay up at night. Do they have enough space? Do they have a shelter for night time or when they are stressed? Is it possible to make them their own space without chickens? Do they have a little pool or something to swim in?

There is also the matter of having two drakes and two ducks, which is what you have. That can be stressful for them because the males will often fight in that situation, and the females may be over bred. Constant mating is not a plus for females. One drake is more than enough for two ducks, but if they are getting along, then it could work.

I think it is good that you are concerned for them. Just evaluate the situation and think about changes that could help. And good luck!
Ducks do not roost and go to bed at a certain time like chickens. In fact, they can see very well at night and like to be out vs cooped up.
However, I put my ducks to bed every night at 10 pm. They are not happy about it, but it is better than being predator food. Last night they grumped (peeped) and huffed about going to bed. Lol
They have a separate house from the chickens. Also, if you have khakis, they are great egg layers, but more skiddish than some other breeds.
That's a duck for ya. Mine never go to bed until I come out and get them in the duckhouse. Last night they were swimming in their dang pool, pitch black dark, chatting away with each other like it's no big deal. They threw a fit when I made them get out and go to bed. They'll seriously stay out all night partying if I don't intervene .
I have Khakis too, they’ve always been skittish even though I’ve had them since little ducklings. Mine tend to like me more when I come bearing gifts like peas or lettuce, which also works in getting them to their night pen. I don’t think they would get near me if they didn’t associate me with delicious foods haha. I’ve found it’s best to judge a khakis happiness by how they act while they’re foraging and interact during the day time.

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