Happy ending- Leghorn- 6 weeks, dizzy, head tilted, botulism?

My chickens eat cracked corn every day in their feed mix. Maybe it's from something else.

What about gapeworm?

Thanks for the suggestion-- I did the swab for gapeworm and found none. Just in the event, I treated with Ivermectin. The corn was fresh, on the cob. Dried cracked probably goes through a sanitation process, pasteurization?
My chickens eat cracked corn every day in their feed mix. Maybe it's from something else.

What about gapeworm?

Thanks for the suggestion-- I did the swab for gapeworm and found none. Just in the event, I treated with Ivermectin. The corn was fresh, on the cob. Dried cracked probably goes through a sanitation process, pasteurization?

I don't know how much they do to it, but is sure is dried out!
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Update: For the last week, I've half expected to go upstairs and find him dead. But alas, he seems to be improving. I stopped all meds and guessy treatments and just gave him food and water (sometimes with vitamins).

A couple of days ago, he stood up (albeit wobbly) on his own. He started chirping again. He eats and drinks fine on his own, and the poop looks normal. Last evening he actually jumped out of his box and went exploring the bedroom.

His head is still tilted 45 degrees, as though he may be blind in one eye. He is still pretty unbalanced. Once or twice a day he scratches at his head fervently, but I can't see anything on him. Any suggestions now would be greatly appreciated.
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I'm sorry about your little roo not feeling well, but it does sound like he's on the mend. You've been doing a lot of work and he's alive because of it.

It's entirely possible that he had a secondary infection because of the Cocci. The parasite is known to cause the chicks' immune systems to weaken and make them more open to bacterial and viral infections. From the way you said he was scratching his head and holding it, the infection could have been centered in his sinuses or even his inner ears (that would account for the lack of balance).

If that was the case, it sounds like he's through the worst of it and will live. The only issue is if it did permenant damage. He may recover 100%, or he may become your favorite special needs roo.

Good luck!
Wow, thank you so much for your thoughts and obviously well-considered observations.

Funny, I was watching him today and wondered if he was indeed scratching at his ears. That makes a lot of sense! Since he's had a respite from the drugs (I was afraid I might O.D. him), would you recommend I try going back to an antibiotic or Sulfasol to see if that helps?

He follows me around now, and since the little champ has set such an inspirational example of resilience and will, he just may be a special needs pet in the end. Even if DB calls him the "lamehorn".
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I recorded him this morning. If y'all have a minute and a half, take a look and see what you think. Eating normal, poo is normal. Still unbalanced, even considering the hard floor. Two and a half weeks ago he was seizing and unable to stand, hold his head up at all, eat or drink. The rest of his mates were taken out to their new coop this afternoon... I'm hesitant to reintegrate him. Would vitamins help at this point?

I kept him in my painting studio with me just to be safe. He doesn't take too well to the confinement, even if it's a parrot-sized cage. Constant chirping and running around as I was working. So I gave up and opened the door, and he promptly jumped onto my shoulder and finally fell asleep.

No sneezing/scratching all day, no other symptoms. Just wobbly, less so every day. So... can I take him to his girls yet??? Clearly he'll settle for ANY company.

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Well, since no one screamed not to, I figured it was okay! Lol.
If anyone's still following, he's actually doing great. When I let the others out into the run for the first time, I snuck him in. He did assert himself to the larger hens, likely to mask any shortcomings, but has calmed now. His gait is nearly upright, and he no longer falls when preening. He runs, plays, nestles in with the others. He does still follow me around though. Funny! Here he is with a big pineapple. Thanks for all of the encouragement

Growing into a very proud roo. Still yet to crow..... when do they start doing that? He's nearly 4 months. The good news is that my neighbor thinks they're all very entertaining and is hoping they will make little ones. I do hope she understands that doing so involves crowing. Lol. Or perhaps the incident/illness has made him mute? Not even really any cheep-cheeps or bawk-bawks. Nuttin'. But he seems happy enough. His favorite treats appear to be ham and watermelon.



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