* happy*


My Girls
13 Years
Jun 11, 2009
so my 3 week old ducklings (4 of them) went outside to their new home. we have a heat lamp in there for them , as the nights are still a bit cool here in ct.
kinda sad they arent in the kitchen but happy, the messy girls are not pooping everywhere!
their home is nice. i have to finish some more of their run, before i feel its safe enough for that just yet.
i didnt sleep well last night, worried about them. (last night was there first night). but i checked on them a couple of times, and they were doing well.
eating, sleeping, drinking and pooping oh my!

just thought id share my happiness today!!!


here is where the ducks live, in the yellow coop. its actually a backward picture, it was taken from lap top computer. the yellow coop is actually on the right.. funny how pictures come out.


here is the girls inside the coop. i put there cage in there, so they would feel comfortable.
I would put some hardware cloth around the entire pen. I lost 5 adult mallards in one night to a mink who got into my garage and even though the ducks were in pens like yours, he killed them all.
Mine have the heat lamp on 24 hours a day , even when they were inside. i think our ducks are about the same age. i recall when you got yours!!!

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