Hard Boiled Egg Question

put your eggs in the pan with cold water...just enough to cover them. (add two or three 1/4 teaspoon salt)
Put the pan on high until they JUST BEGIN to boil.
Pop the lid on and turn off the heat.
Come back in about 20 min or so ...when they are cool enough to handle.
I always shuck them in the pot water and set them on a paper plate to dry. It's just easier that way.
I've never had a problem.

If you crack one at the time you turn off the heat it will be gooey runny inside.

Boil them too long and it creates sulfur dioxide. Real funky smell.

Hint: two or three week old eggs are easyer to shell than fresh ones.
I have no problem peeling my hard-boiled eggs that are straight from the nest unless they come from certain hens. I gently boil them for about 8 minutes and then turn the heat off. Let them set for about 10 minutes and them cool them off with cold running water. I think cooling them off with ice or cold water causes some water to get sucked thru the shell and moistens the membrane between the shell and egg. When the eggs get torn up it is because that lining is sticking to the egg.
I've noticed that I don't like the taste or smell of my fresher hard-boiled eggs, but if I gather the eggs about a week before I boil them, I don't have that problem, which is convenient because they're easier to peel, as well.
When we first got our chickens, three friends that are very long time chicken owners told us that if we wanted to hard-boil the eggs to let them set 2-3 weeks before cooking. I don't remember why, but I figured , they know better than me. They all eat hard-boiled eggs often
Wow, I never realized there were so many ways to boil eggs. I must admit we haven't boiled any of our eggs yet - they are bantam eggs and we've just enjoyed having a few fried for breakfast. Now I will have to boil the next few to see if I notice a difference.
Wow, I had no clue they lasted 2-3 weeks! I guess I never thought about it. How long DO they last in the fridge?

Our chicks won't start laying for another 4 months so I have plenty of time to gather "recipes".
I start the water to boiling before i add my eggs,as soon as it begins to boil,i gently slide them in the boiling water, add a big dash of salt and set the timer for10 min, pour off boiling water add cold water and ice for a couple mins then peal, lose very little white this way and we like egg salad sandwiches and boiled eggs.

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