Hard neck crop full overnight


Sep 25, 2020
Had exact same problem before with 2 other hens Tried everything ended up euthanizing one as she suffered for three weeks.

I want to do it right this time, so need some guidance. These things happen every time I am going to leave for vacation. I am leaving for two weeks and won’t be able to do any of this before I leave unless my caretakers will volunteer to help.

Hard lump in neck I compared to other hens definitely different, sticking out the bent part of the neck and hard. Crop overnight did not empty. Not hard it was soft. I believe I pushed it./massaged it in the wrong direction. I massaged it downward, and she pooped liquid. She is drinking excessively and pretending to eat, and eating sometimes. Still running toward me when I.I throw scratch/my scratch is layer pellets, and a few sunflower wondering why this continues to happen. Wondering if this may be some kind of a disease rather than just blockage. This is the third hen that drink excessively for weeks with no poop in the watery stool. These last two were close together, but the first one was last summer.

Quarantine coop is too hot. 80 to 90° here in Massachusetts. I can’t let her in that all day she will roast. Should I start with coconut oil to maybe slip whatever stuck down? No sour smell coming from bake. My friend is coming today. I will open her beak with a flashlight. See if we can see anything. If we do, what do we do then?

I have suspected mites around vent as well. This was just noticed yesterday.
I have yet to go through full crop treatment yet, but I keep this article on hand to be prepared:


If you haven't seen this one before that's where I would start. It outlines the treatment for both types of crop issue and how to tell the difference.

Do you offer grit to your hens? I try to do this regularly to help them grind up the longer grasses and things they are prone to eat in spring and summer.

The "hard neck" you describe--is that something you can see in the bird (i.e. she's holding her neck stiffly or it stays bent in a weird shape)? If so, a picture would be super helpful!

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