Hard protruding bottom on my EE chick... scab... is there any hope?

Mrs. Green Thumbs

9 Years
Apr 2, 2010
Santa Maria, California
So I was taking pictures of the chicks to submit here when I noticed My favorite little chick, our EE Jasmin is in serious trouble... I noticed forst the scab, below the vent by almost half an inch it's sealed the hole in her skin. Then I noticed how swelled and distended her booty was, and HOT. To me it looks like an abscess. Is there anything I can do to help her? Should I take off the scab and allow the abscess to drain? Is it a tumor? The other larger chick's have a hard part to their lower area but nothing like this chick. I'm acceptant that our EE most likely will not make it but if there is ANYTHING I can do please let me know.
Can you give us more info.?? How old is the chick? Had you noticed a wound before where the scab now is??? Is it the area around the scab itself that is red and swollen, or below or above that??? If I had to guess with no other information, I would think the scabbed area is infected. You'll need to separate the chick from the others, because if you have to check for infection under the scab, there will probably be blood, and you don't want others pecking at the red area. If you have a TSC around, you can get some basic antibiotics from them. I'm not sure how to go about checking under the scab. If it was me, I'd probably soak it in warm water to soften it, and then pick it away. But I'm cringing just thinking about it. Sorry, I've (thankfully) never had to deal with sick or injured chicks. So I hope that someone with experience will respond soon.
thanks so much teach1rusl, Jasmin is 2 weeks old, she is also rather small. The area around the wound... looks taught, I'm leaning toward soaking/removing the scam and relieving the pressure of the infection. But I'm worried that I'll do more damage than good.
Alkthough an infection that bad in a chick that small is not best dealt with left alone to fester.... Iv dealth with abscess work in cat's and dog's, I don't mind the pus but this is a bird, I don't know how well they clot or if this young little girl will even handle that much fluid loss at once.
I just called the farm supply store where I bought Jasmin and they suggested separating her from the other chicks, using hydrogen peroxide as a topical treatment and something called (sorry for spelling) teromyacin to be added to the water as an antibiotic. Does this sound good? He said not to remove the scab... The antibiotic is only 6 bucks and Id feel like I'm doing more for her if I at least do this much.... I feel so help less.. and of course I have developed QUITE an attachment to her.









No not paste butt. Her vent is clear and she poops very well. The scab is about a half inch below her vent. and the size of my pinky finger print... maybe a bit smaller. It's only visible when her bum is wet. I'll take a picture tonight when I get home. She is still drinking and eating well. Just tired looking now. She was just seeming to do better... and now this. I am really heart broken over her predicament. She just has the most amazing personality, totally different from the other chicks.
I'm so sorry, why is it always our favorites that seem to have problems? Sounds like going on a broad base antibiotic is a good idea, I've never used terramycin before, but I have used Duramycin (I'm not sure the difference, Duramycin is also a broad based antibiotic) for a wound/infection in the past with good results. Sounds like you're doing all you can! You might try giving her a little hardboiled egg/plain yogurt for an extra nutritional boost to help her immune system fight whatever infection might be going on in there.

Good luck and keep us updated on her progress!!
Thank you NeeleysAVLChicks, and thank you to all the others that posted here. I am going to administer the antibiotics ASAP and keep the wound clean and seaparate her and give her some hard boiled egg yolk's and yogurt if she will eat it. She's not much into any kind of food other than chick feed. I'v feed the other chick's worms and she never really put's much effort into chasing after the tug o war team. I'll keep yall updated too. And If nothing else I will do my best to make sure my sweet Jasmin is as comfy as I can make her and as loved as any little chicken could ever be loved.
Here are 2 pic's I got of the wound. It's wet looking because I of course forgot to snap the picture until AFTER I had applied some boric acid. The wound is healed up and the infection seems to be somewhat smaller and she is now not only eating medicated chick feed but antibiotics in her water. Any idea why this is happening to her?



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