Hardheaded Hen

Nathan Sampson

7 Years
Apr 12, 2012
Whitewater Mo
I have a hen that has started to be a bit of a pain to put up and started to hide he eggs. Should i leave her in her yard for a few days or still let her free range a bit?

I will also take a pic of her soon maybe someone knows her breed.
If you want her to lay in the coop, confine her there for a few days to help re-set her little brain on where to lay. It will help with the "where to roost at night" issue, also. They're strong creatures of habit--bad in that it's hard to break them of something they're used to doing, good in that once you get the good habits instilled they stick to them faithfully!
I guess if I find her tom morrow or she still goes in her coop that she will have to have a few more days of confinement she is playing hooky tonight again.

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