Hardware cloth mesh size


6 Years
Apr 8, 2018
Moorestown, NJ
We’re rebuilding our run & I’m replacing the existing fence with hardware cloth. I see people recommending 1/2” mesh, but would like to go with a larger mesh size. I don’t want to have to do this twice, so any advice about using a bigger mesh is appreciated. I don’t have issues with small predators (snakes, weasels). My problem pests are hawks, fox & raccoons. Thanks in advance!
I’m in South Jersey - not near any lakes. The snakes here are small garter snakes - (at least that’s what I’ve always called them) & they’re pretty benign. I haven’t had problems with eggs being stolen - it’s the chickens being killed I’m trying to avoid.

I was thinking of 1” mesh, just for the way it looks - not as dense. Our run is pretty big - it’s 44’ x 14’ - so definitely don’t want to have to purchase hardware cloth twice. But if 1/2” is required, I’ll go for it.
I’m in South Jersey - not near any lakes. The snakes here are small garter snakes - (at least that’s what I’ve always called them) & they’re pretty benign. I haven’t had problems with eggs being stolen - it’s the chickens being killed I’m trying to avoid.

I was thinking of 1” mesh, just for the way it looks - not as dense. Our run is pretty big - it’s 44’ x 14’ - so definitely don’t want to have to purchase hardware cloth twice. But if 1/2” is required, I’ll go for it.
Is it 1×2 inches? I don't think I've seen 1 inch square? We have lots of rat snakes in. central Oklahoma and have found a few pigmy rattlers in the yard too. I tend to release the rat snakes as I prefer them to rats.

If the 1 inch is less than half the price, you could probably layer and stagger it so that it makea the holes a little smaller than 1×2. You could definitely use the bigger holed stuff for an apron around the run.
We’re rebuilding our run & I’m replacing the existing fence with hardware cloth. I see people recommending 1/2” mesh, but would like to go with a larger mesh size. I don’t want to have to do this twice, so any advice about using a bigger mesh is appreciated. I don’t have issues with small predators (snakes, weasels). My problem pests are hawks, fox & raccoons. Thanks in advance!
The smaller the better. Because of hawks I would roof it in.

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