Hardware Cloth Question (again!)


10 Years
Jan 18, 2010
I have never used hardware cloth and I've got a few questions about it. One of them is that I'm obviously going to have to join up the various widths of the hardware cloth that I use on my coop, since the walls are 6'6" high and I've never seen hardware cloth anywhere that's bigger than 3 feet.

How does one do this? Small zip ties? Floral wire? Glue? Obviously I'm not going to use string . . . what do people generally use to get their hardware cloth to join at the edges?

Whitewater (feeling like a real newbie right now . . . )
Two choices: Make your uprights 3 ft. apart and run the wire vertically, or, put a horizontal support 3 ft. up from the ground and attach the wire to the support and the base. Run a fresh strip for the upper half. And I think they have 48 inch wire at Fleet Farm if that helps with your measurements.

I'm not an advocate for "sewing" hardware wire together to make it wider, although I'm sure some here have done that.
Don't feel bad for asking questions--always use the search function first, it's amazing how many repeated posts there are.

I remember someone posting that they use J-Clips. But since we're building our run next weekend, I'm curious as to the answer as well.
You can also join pieces of hardware cloth together with Loxit clips, like these:


I overlap the pieces of wire several inches, and then fasten every few inches in an alternating left/right pattern. You can get a very secure seam this way, but it's a more time consuming and painstaking process than fastening the wire to a wooden support with screws.
I brought hardware cloth that was 4 feet wide. From the pic below I ran a 2x4 across the run to attach the 2 sections together. I overlapped them and used wood screws with washers


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