hardware cloth vs chainlink fence for chicken run?


11 Years
Feb 14, 2013
Awhile back i bought chickenwire for a chicken run and within two days something tore through. Should i use chain link fence or hardware cloth on it?
Hi there,

Hardware without a doubt! Chain link holes are big enough for small predators (weasels etc. ) to get through or a raccoon to reach through. Any hole bigger than about 1/2 inch is sufficient for weasels to get into,
No link, rather a description. Properly install chicken wire. Then on outside place 2 or more strands of hotwire at 6" intervals with lowest at about 4". If still concerned about weasels, then use a 6" or 12" strip of hardware cloth around the base perimeter. Fencing still serves primary function containing birds. Secondary function is to slow predator and force is to contact hotwire for multiple good zaps every time it probes perimeter.. Picture gives handle on size / amount of material required. Small jobs will be cheaper if all hardware cloth because of charger related expense of what I suggest. Door can also be a challenge so as to make it easy to open and close.
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Centrachid system is good. An adequate charger can be had for $30 from tractor supply. It will have to be kept dry however. I have a chain link run with chicken wire on the inside about 2'up. I don't have weasels though
this is a picture of the setup without chicken wire on it.
I think you can do as I describe and your solid door makes it easier. You still will have risk imposed by burrowers. I would also try to make certain birds roost as least 12" from sides and up. Better yet is birds can not see a predator trying to get at them. Frightened birds tend to jump down and get close to sides where some predators will grab through wire or feel motivated to chew through.
Hi there. First post. All the reading til our eyes bleed and I want to double check with all of BYC experience.

Temporary coop and run for new chickens to add to flock.

Locked in coop at night.

Chain link (6x6) butted up to small coop.
Roof of corrugated metal. Held down with about 18 firebricks.

Coop secured at hatch by closing chain link gate and spring latch locked from inside.
Side hatch of coop secure with one bolt and one eyehook.
Nest box hatch secured with spring hook and eye, and a heavy duty bungee.
One window with stapled hardware cloth.

Should we hurry for hardware cloth on exterior of run...or will a big dog out deter any daytime fox/coon attacks.

Electric may be a possibility....but not for a few days at least.

Birds are about 20 weeks standards.

All input is appreciated. Thank you thank you thank you!!

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