Harvest chickens that ate dried beans?

I accidentally scattered a small bag of lentils in their coop and outside, realized my error and tried to pick them out but couldn’t get them all. I found a dead chicken that was partially eaten (maybe by the other chickens?). I’m afraid they might all suffer that fate, so was considering at least preserving what I could. They are freedom rangers, just under a year old.

But my real concern now is what do I do about all these beans everywhere. I don’t want them to hurt any other animal in the future! I’m just sick over this, hard lesson learned!
Lentils might not be as bad as beans. I have no experience with this, but I know that rice or beans should always be cooked first before giving it to chickens. Chickens will eat about anything that size. I used to freely given sunflower seeds inside my coop to get them to scratch around, but later lost one who was forging on those. I found her whole crop and gizzard just full of the shells. Do you put out grit for your chickens? Very sorry this happened.
Lentils might not be as bad as beans. I have no experience with this, but I know that rice or beans should always be cooked first before giving it to chickens. Chickens will eat about anything that size. I used to freely given sunflower seeds inside my coop to get them to scratch around, but later lost one who was forging on those. I found her whole crop and gizzard just full of the shells. Do you put out grit for your chickens? Very sorry this happened.
Thank you. I do put out grit. I’m going to take this as a real opportunity to learn everything I can
Let us know how they get along. I am going to tag @Wyorp Rock to see if giving uncooked lentils would be lethal or not.
I don't know if uncooked lentils would be lethal or not, they are a bit softer than something like pinto beans. I suppose it would be dependent on how many they ate.

I sprout lentils for my birds and have no issues with them eating them sprouted but they only get a limited amount a few times a week.

@U_Stormcrow may know more about the lentils. I do believe I have seen them listed in whole type feeds before but could be wrong.
All legumes benefit from heat treatment before inclusion in feed due to anti nutritive properties.

That said, lentils have some of the lowest inclusion rates of those anti nutritive properties, and can be fed raw. Depending upon the use of the bird, recommended feed rates before there are undersiable thing happening range from 5% to 20%, and those undesirables are production losses, not what we would characterize as illness/injury/ill health - and certainly not of the sort suggesting medical intervention is needed..

It is unlikely raw lentils are the cause of your bird's death, from a nutritional standpoint.

Beyond that? On this forum, I usually look to Wyorp Rock and others for answers.

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