Has anyone bred Pekin and welsh harlequin ducks together??

Eating on the hay/straw?? Do you use wood chips also? I guess I'll just stick with that then
I thought I read that most people use straw
I use horse bedding shavings they are thick. But try the hay. I have heard it isn’t as absorbing as shavings but @DuckyDonna uses it. Some use straw I use to and did not like it because to me it wasn’t absorbent at all.
Oh ok. Than I wont waste my time. I just found that I'm going thru ALOT of wood shavings (but I am OCD & scoop out the area they poop on nonstop all day) I tried chopped straw bedding with Emmie & Max when they were younger and they would Not stop eating it....it was bad. Have you or do you use Coop 'N Compost? (Zeolite) Thought about maybe sprinkling a little underneath the wood chips..... is it bad if they ingest any tho? Obviously they wouldnt provide it it was very harmful but just thought I'd check with you.
I have used sweet PDZ in my coops but never with ducklings so not sure about them eating it. I am sure they would taste it though. What did the vet say?
Ok, sorry about that. Was trying to check out at the store. So, the vet looked & listened to Celeste, lungs sounded clear. She took Xrays just in case, also looked good. She said she just might be a very hot natured duck(?) Celeste pants alot, even when nares are clear, & her beak & body are always hotter than the others. So, yes its good that there are no illness in lungs / respiratory issues, but, her temp & panting still worry me a little. They all thought it was the cutest thing because when they walked in the room, Celeste ran behind my legs & just barely poked her beak in between my legs so she could still see...she then stayed there the entire time, behind my legs🤗. After listening to her & checking her out, the second her feet hit the ground, she ran to me & climbed in my lap, hiding her face in my chest. Kind of melted my heart a bit🥰.
So....Joy.... same issue, good news but not good news?? Good news is that her lungs also sounded clear. So what is causing so much congestion??? There must be some form of a "deformity" that we cant see, somewhere between the beak & the lungs (which shes checked out both & can see nothing). She asked me herself if she wanted me to call the specialist. I wanted to say, oh.. I thought we already decided that🤷‍♀️..... but, I said Yes, Please. I started thinking about it. I know that she has some respiratory issues but..... if the specialist is able to fix her legs, then maybe being up & able, & walking around more, will automatically help the rest of her body function better..... wouldnt that make sense? Or would I be putting her thru necessary pain & hassle & trouble of travel & being without me & scared, & worse.... surgery & the pain that will come with that?! Definately something to think about. But..... regardless, she is calling him herself today and we'll go from there. I definately want to start the conversation, ya know..... if we can give her a chance.... I'm all for it.🥰
Ok, sorry about that. Was trying to check out at the store. So, the vet looked & listened to Celeste, lungs sounded clear. She took Xrays just in case, also looked good. She said she just might be a very hot natured duck(?) Celeste pants alot, even when nares are clear, & her beak & body are always hotter than the others. So, yes its good that there are no illness in lungs / respiratory issues, but, her temp & panting still worry me a little. They all thought it was the cutest thing because when they walked in the room, Celeste ran behind my legs & just barely poked her beak in between my legs so she could still see...she then stayed there the entire time, behind my legs🤗. After listening to her & checking her out, the second her feet hit the ground, she ran to me & climbed in my lap, hiding her face in my chest. Kind of melted my heart a bit🥰.
So....Joy.... same issue, good news but not good news?? Good news is that her lungs also sounded clear. So what is causing so much congestion??? There must be some form of a "deformity" that we cant see, somewhere between the beak & the lungs (which shes checked out both & can see nothing). She asked me herself if she wanted me to call the specialist. I wanted to say, oh.. I thought we already decided that🤷‍♀️..... but, I said Yes, Please. I started thinking about it. I know that she has some respiratory issues but..... if the specialist is able to fix her legs, then maybe being up & able, & walking around more, will automatically help the rest of her body function better..... wouldnt that make sense? Or would I be putting her thru necessary pain & hassle & trouble of travel & being without me & scared, & worse.... surgery & the pain that will come with that?! Definately something to think about. But..... regardless, she is calling him herself today and we'll go from there. I definately want to start the conversation, ya know..... if we can give her a chance.... I'm all for it.🥰
Well I agree with you! She really is so blessed to have you as her mama! I am praying and hoping that the specialist can help her. And how sweet of Celeste. I just want to kiss her! 💞
For sure. Now I just have to hope & pray that the surgery they're thinking they might be able to do....isnt an incredibly out of reach price range.
My husband hurt his back this past saturday. We went to the chiropractor on Tues. They took Xrays and revealed that the bottom between his last vertebrae & spine is fractured...broken straight across, all the way thru. We couldnt beleive it. Really wasnt expecting that at all, my poor guy.😔
So...... this year will be my year of nursing. @DuckyDonna .....wanna move in?🤣😂

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