Has anyone come up with a chart/spreadsheet for recording egg progress/turning/temp?


6 Years
Jan 31, 2013
My kids and I are about to get our eggs and I wanted to have my 8yr old keep a chart about our "incubation experiment". I might need to come up with my own spreadsheet/chart but thought there might already be one out there.

I was going to include the day of incubation, a place to check off after each turn of the egg, a place to record the temp/humidity, any signs of hatching....

Any thoughts or comments? This is my first time hatching eggs and I'm not sure who is more excited, the kids or me!

: )
yes and they are not protected files which means you can adjust them to suite your own needs. Good Luck with your hatch!
Thanks so much!!! I'm so glad I found this place!!!
If you have an iPhone, iPad, iPod, etc., you can get an app called iHatch. I just bought it for $0.99. You add the date you set the eggs, you can record notes, and you can set up reminders. When you add the date you set your eggs, it automatically starts a countdown and you can see the growth in your eggs and advice.

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