Has anyone ever come across this in a newly hatched chick?

Hey Aggie54

It does not look like unabsorbed yolk to me because of the colour and could be an internal organ that has not developed inside correctly; may be Gastroschisis?
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It looks to me like left over from the yolk absorption/cord. I had a spitz born with unabsorbed yolk and after the yolk itself was absorbed it left what I assumed was membrane from around the yolk sac that looked quite like that. After a couple days it dried up like a raisin and fell off at a touch. Here is what mine looked like before yolk completely absorbed:

Once the yolk was gone it left a reddish "ball" like yours. I did put a little neosporin on it the first day and let it dry after that.

Other than the appendage, how does the chick act? Is it lively? Eating/drinking?
This was my daughter's chick that unfortunately passed away...but, we were curious as to what the problem was and if it could have caused death....thanks for your input :)
I think you're probably right with the Gastroschisis diagnosis...and that would always be fatal....right?
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Hey Aggie54

I have no personal experience with either egg yolk membrane or Gastroschisis but if it was egg yolk membrane, it sounds like it could have survived as Amylynn2374 has suggested.

However, all I have read about Gastroschisis suggests very little to no chance of survival.

I am sorry to read that you lost the little one
It looks to me like left over from the yolk absorption/cord. I had a spitz born with unabsorbed yolk and after the yolk itself was absorbed it left what I assumed was membrane from around the yolk sac that looked quite like that. After a couple days it dried up like a raisin and fell off at a touch. Here is what mine looked like before yolk completely absorbed:

Once the yolk was gone it left a reddish "ball" like yours. I did put a little neosporin on it the first day and let it dry after that.

Other than the appendage, how does the chick act? Is it lively? Eating/drinking?
I know it's been years since this post but wanted you to know this was helpful. I have a yellow chick as well with same thing today. brought it inside with me since mom and older siblings were trampling it a bit. I revived what looked like a dead chick.. hydrated, warmed and loved and put her back out under hens wing at 9 tonight while all dark and quiet. hoping all good will check early in the am

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