Has anyone ever had fluid on the lungs? *Update*

Sorry to hear about your situation, Keep positive as much as you can, it does help!

Please keep us posted, my thought are with you and your family.
to you and your mom charmed one. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family..... sending them up and praying that healing washes over your mom each and every day.
Just thought to keep you guys posted. My DM has cancer in the lining of her right lung. They can't do radiation becuz of where it is and they can't do chemo becuz she is so weak. They say she has 6 months and to call in hospice. I guess it's safe to say that I am not in denial any more. I think I'm still in shock. I feel kinda disconnected. Is that normal? I guess there isn't a right way to feel. The only thing I know for sure is the Lord never gives us more than we can handle so I guess he feels I'm up to this. I just read over my post and it really sounded like we've given up. NO WAY! Things just don't look so good right now. Please keep sending your prayers this way
They really help!
Its normal to feel that way, it helps you to cope as needed, hang in there we are all praying for you.
Well, hospice has come in and my DM has gradually gone down hill. She is in a hospital bed in the other room dying. They say it could be a couple days or up to 2 weeks. She is on morphine and is asleep most of the time now. She doesn't even look like herself anymore. When she is coherent she wants to die. I know she is miserable and there isn't anything I can do for her. She got choked earlier and scared me to death. I wasn't cut out to be a nurse but I'm doing the best I can. The hospice people say I'm doing everything good but I wonder sometimes. What a horrible terrible thing, cancer. This has all happened so quick. We just found out she had cancer May 1. The Dr said she had 3 to 6 months. It has barely been a month. It is sure hurting my DF. Mom and dad were highschool sweethearts and have been married 63 yrs. I'm sorry...I am rambling now. It's just so unfair!!! The one thing I just thought of that I want to tell you guys..They found a spot on my DM's lung a couple of years ago and watched it for almost a year. It stayed the same all that time so they didn't think it was anything. Now all of the family feels that was the start of her cancer. She could have taken treatments then. She was alot stronger than now. Anyway..What I'm getting at is..Always get a 2nd opinion and never put all your trust in "one " Dr. That's what mom did and I wasn't smart enough to tell her to do anything different..Anyway..sorry this was so long. Thanks for listening..And please say a prayer for her.

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