Has anyone here registered with this?


10 Years
Feb 12, 2009
NW Florida
This is scary - I'm afraid they'll come to take my chickens away someday...

I think it's a necessity. If there is an outbreak of a nasty, virulent disease that threatens the poultry industry or people's health I would not want to be responsible for helping to spread it, and I would expect the government to contain it.

Considering what's on the news every night, I would not want to rely upon my fellow-citizen's sense of personal responsibility regarding disease outbreaks. Some are too self-centered to think about the public good. I guess it comes down to who you trust: your government bureaucrats who are promoted for blindly follow idiotic rules or your crazy neighbor who believes in snake-oil cures for every disease.

In Arizona it is against state law to require registration with NAIS (overwhelmingly approved). If someone is foolish enough to register, they may, but neither the State Dept of Agriculture nor any county or town can require it. Theoretically it would be breaking state law for the USDA to require it (as they keep trying to do, although poultry are always listed as being a "future voluntary registration.") And I expect that it would become a federal court case if that ever happened.

The largest disease outbreaks from poultry have ALWAYS originated/become epidemic in large commercial facilities, not in backyard flocks. Yet the commercial industry is largely excluded from the requirements. Individual expenses would be unmanageable, as would the paperwork.
Rule Number One: Never voluntarily sign up for any program the federal government comes up with. Especially if they are selling it as a benefit.

As Ronald Reagan said:

"....The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help! Government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives."
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No, and I won't because it is unconstitutional. NAIS is not about disease control or prevention, never has been, that's all smoke and mirrors. It's about big agri-biz crushing any competition in foreign markets and should have not a thing to do with backyard flocks, period. Comply? I will only when the Constitution is dead and buried.

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