Has anyone left their chickens alone for a few days?

Beau coop

11 Years
May 19, 2008
Anyone have any suggestions for keeping food from going stale in this humidity? I will be away for a few days and do not have a chicken sitter.

I am going to put multiple waterers in the run and coop, so water won't be a problem. And we are not having the crazy heat some of you are suffering through.

I am concerned about their food though. Any suggestions? Any one has anyone had to do this before?
we have left ours for the weekend and they were fine and dandy when we got home. Their food won't get stale, so just be sure and leave plenty out for them to eat and especially to drink.
I have several that stay out all the time, never go in a coop. They roost in trees and free range where they get plenty of food from that.

Ask someone to feed them for you...??
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We've done it as well. The food will be fine just as long as it doesn't get rained on. Enough water is more important if it's hot.

-Cindy in MA
What does your 20# feeder look like? Do you have a picture or a link to where you purchased them. This may be just the thing I need!
I ahve left mine for three days and just made sure there was extra food and water and a few heads of cabbage to keep em occupied..
We are going through a very serious heat wave out here in no mans land. I have been having some humidity/fresh feed issues. feed tends to clump up and clog feeder holes when the humidity is of the charts. I use DE!! an anti clumping agent amoung other uses. I mix it into my feed before putting it into my feed bins, so when dished out to the birds it flows freely without any hint of clogging. this will allow you to keep your bulk feed fresher and also will help the overall health of your birds. I have fiiled feeders and left for the weekend only to find upon my return that there was still fresh feed flowing and available to them.

We've left ours alone for 5 days (while camping), and they did just fine. Just make sure that the food is covered so it can't be rained on, and that you have plenty of food and water.

If you do this, your chickens should be just fine

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