Has anyone ordered from a hatchery yet this year?

I ordered from Belt hatchery in Fresno, CA. They are being shipped February 23rd!
I ordered Rhode Island Reds, Easter Eggers, Red Stars, Black Stars Barred Rocks, Black Austrolorps, Brown Leghorns, and a lonely Buff Orpington. I am super excited!
Between my brother, my mom and I, we have 54 chicks ordered from Ideal. Hatch Date Feb.16

5 Barnevelder
4 EE
2 Silver Laced Wyandotte
2 Columbian Wyandotte
2 Brabanters
2 Rose Comb Br Leghorns
2 Black Langshan
Straight Run:
5 Buckeyes
2 Chanclers (forgot proper spelling)

2 Indian Red Jungle Fowl pullets

Straight Run
4 Jaurhon
4 Iowa Blue
4 LaFleche

14 Sultan Straight Run

Also ordered eggs from Julie at Gabbard Farms.

6 Pumpkin Husley
4 Black Copper Marans
4 Blue Birchen Marans
4 Partrage Penedesenca
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Ordered from Cackle Hatchery: 10 blue silkies and 15 bantam easter eggers. Delivery expected Fri Feb 11. Then we're also getting a bunch from someone kinda local, and hatching some with the help of a friend. Gonna have LOTS Of chicks!
Ooooo Pretty

Can you post pictures of them when you get them?

Of course I will. We ordered their show quality ducklings, so hoping to get some really nice ducks out of that. If all goes as planned, I'll eventually have hatching eggs and ducklings for sale.
First time order from Ideal:

4 "Ameracaunas" Easter Eggers
3 Buff Orpingtons
3 Dark Brahmas
2 Gold laced Wyandottes
2 Silver laced Wyandottes

I will be picking them up in Cameron on 2/23!!! I can't wait. Got the brooder already set up and Dad & I are going over the plans for the coop now. I've never had chickens before. Parakeets & budgies are the sum total of my bird experience.
Oh, geez, let's see........

well, I can't find all my lists right now but I have about 200 chicks and ducks coming from Meyer, Stromberg's, Sand Hill, Holderread and some where else I can't remember.

But keep in mind, I doubled my order on everything because no matter what I order every year people come, see and buy them all so I just ordered enough for myself and enough to sell, too. Last year I didn't get to keep anything and sold a lot of my laying hens, to boot. I sure miss all those eggs now.

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