Has anyone tried raising chickens in an urban setting

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Yes, many people raise chickens in an urban setting quite successfully.
I'm lucky and am in a more suburban setting with more room, but the general backyard chicken keeping practices apply to many situations.
I'm surprised that the cats haven't eliminated the rats! Rats can be a problem. Cats can be predators to baby chicks, but most adult chickens will "run" a cat off. I live in Midtown Historical Section in my city and am allowed to keep chickens as long as the area is sufficient, everything is sanitary and suitable. You can generally allow 1 square foot of ground space per chicken, hence an area that is 10' by 5' is suitable to keep five adult chickens. Good luck on your flock - read a lot information - you can't have too much knowledge! :)
Hugs & Happy Flocking

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