has anyone tried the "electric mice control ?


9 Years
Dec 2, 2010
Jackson, NJ
I came across this electric mice traps that they call it, that should drive away mouse, rats and rodents. Has anyone gave this a try ?
Here are some links for more info ;


here are links for people like me (not too experienced with mice and rodents)

Ditto. I had a different brand that worked GREAT for several years until it died. I replaced it with the Victor brand I saw at Walmart. Less than a week after plugging them in, I watched a small (cute, actually... ) brown mouse run over the top of it, stop, change directions and run back onto the top of it like it was a ladder. Didn't seem to be phased by the vibration/noise whatsoever.
I don't even let the cats kill them if I find them with a live one; I take it far back into the field and let them go, but I really don't want them eating the labels off the cans in the pantry, or eating through flour/meal/etc. bags & packages.

ETA: DH says only 2 or 3 of these 8 cats are earning their keep.....
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cntrlovr, you're too funny

I have 2 cats at home. I wouldn't know how to take care of them outside. Do they live inside with the chickens ? Do I feed the cats ? How would they go out of the chicken coop or run ?
If it worked for couple of years I'm ok with that
Do you remember what brand was that ?
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I have the Victor electronic mouse trap and it works good. You get a green light when somebody has checked in. Then ya can just flip the lid open and drop the guest into the sanitation containment receptecle.
Our 8 cats live in the house with me, the DH, and the 45 (give or take a few... !) inside birds. The 3 youngest cats are the best mousers (understandable, since the oldest cat is 18 1/2, the next 2 older ones are older than 12, and the middle ones are between 7 and 10 yrs.) They occasionally go outside when it's warm, but I've been keeping them in b/c it's been quite cold for here, and after dashing out for a few minutes while I'm schlepping water out to the ducks & chickens in gallon jugs until the temps come up and my hose thaws, the cats are MORE than ready to come back in when I'm done.
They (the cats) are all rescues or strays that know someone with a soft heart (or soft head; I haven't decided!) lives here...

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