has the bleepty bleep post office ruined my chances?


12 Years
Mar 6, 2007
My eggs are setting in the post office right now shipped out last wedensday they got them saturday morning (knowing I was looking for them) and said they left a "notice" yesterday. did I get a notice no id did not!! Did they try and get ahold of me?? no they didn't I wouldn't know where they were unless i tracked it!! Anyway are they still ok to incubate? there is turkey and duck eggs in there. C
As long as no one played football with the box and they aren't cracked I would get them in the incubator after letting them sit air sac end up (the big end) for about 6 - 8 hours.

You may have a slightly decreased hatch depending on how old the eggs where when shipped and how they where handled along the way. But I have had good hatches from eggs that spent 12 days in the postal system and bad hatches from ones that took two days.

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