hatch an egg or get a day old?

I have 3 pekins, 1 Cayuga and a crested blue Swede. I got 2 of the Pekins and the Cayuga when they were 6 months old. My female Pekin will not let me touch her but she also doesn't run from me either. My older drake pekin is afraid of me and my Cayuga, who is also male, is EVIL and attacks EVERYTHING except my older Pekins
I really don't think this is normal Cayuga behavior though. My ducklings are a little over 2 months old and the Pekin I hatched and the crested I bought at about a week old. The crested is scared of me now and runs if her buddy, the pekin is not with her. Now my baby, the Pekin that I hatched is friendly and even lets the kids put baby doll hats on him
However, he has a slight limp do to lack of proper vitamins (my fault
) so I baby him A LOT. He also LOVES to eat so anyone can do anything they want to him as long as they have food! Anyway my point is, I don't know if breed, hatched, bought or age has anything to do with how they turn out but my pekins do seem the friendliest out of what I have and the one that I hatched is a loving pet so far. But again other factors such as special attention and appetite probably play a bigger part in his friendliness than his breed or that I hatched him.
thanks! i spoil my pets so these 2 ducklings will be with me everywhere i go when i'm home so they bond with me. i also ordered duck diapers so they can be inside when i am, although i buillt a pen for them to sleep in outside because my house gets cold at night
oh one more thing, are pekins really loud?
my experience with pekins is that they are very loud. My favorite duck breed is mallards. They are so pretty and very friendly. But it really just depends on the individual duck a and how much time you spend with them, so they get used to be socialized.
lol i just read males aren't very loud but is it ok to have 2? i want 2 so they have a buddy when i'm not home. also will males get aggressive when they mature? so basically is a male or female pekin better for a pet?

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