HATCH COMPLETE! I have 15 beautiful Delaware chicks.

i got delewares 8 in the incubator my self and 3 rir my temp is in a still air incubator is like 102 it fluxuate between 100 and 102 i been doing candlen but hard to tell in the deleware eggs got any suggestions mine are due off the day before thanksgiven i hope mine hatch
What type of candler r u using, Billy? I got a simple Rayovac led flashlight with a piece of bike inner tube stretched over the end of it. It reflects the light perfectly onto the egg, plus the tubing kind of suctions itself to the egg so none of the light escapes. You should definetly be able to see the air sac and a BIG embryo moving around...even in those Delaware eggs at this stage.
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Shelley was correct, they went in Saturday. i keep figuring the same as both of you, the hen gets up, so don't tell me the temp doesn't drop etc.

so, i guess we'll see tomorrow!
Yes I'm on that page!! And NO, not even a wet bulb!!

c'mon....you guys are making that up! you know that hens have a gauge on their tummies. kind of like that eye that mom's have on the back of their heads....
Your's should be at the blob stage, where you can't see anything but black, if not now then real soon!, you should've been able to see the veins for sure, I do know the embryo at times was hard to see, the best time for my self was about 8-10 days into it when they are really bobbing around, then you could see the movement real well! Good Luck we will
Let us know how it turns out..
Yes I'm on that page!! And NO, not even a wet bulb!!

c'mon....you guys are making that up! you know that hens have a gauge on their tummies. kind of like that eye that mom's have on the back of their heads....

miss_jayne, That is not a guage! It is called SKIN.....
c'mon....you guys are making that up! you know that hens have a gauge on their tummies. kind of like that eye that mom's have on the back of their heads....

miss_jayne, That is not a guage! It is called SKIN.....

WHAT? are you serious? all this time i thought it was a humidity gauge. someone has been having fun at my expense.....i wont mention SHELLEY's name!
tried candling some of the 'delahorns' and believe there are some signs of life!

we'll give it a few more days to see. i need a brighter light for the darker eggs. my kids were geeked out completely when they could see the veins just starting to grow.

c'mon little eggs! do your thing!

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