HATCH COMPLETE! I have 15 beautiful Delaware chicks.

Way to go csibb! You protected your flock. Hope your barn is okay enough to still use.

It will probably still smell of smoke. A trick I have heard of is to use coffee grounds to spread over the burnt area to help absorb the burnt smell. I don't know how well that will work but it is supposed to help. Also a product like KILZ will help seal the burnt wood.

Good luck. I think I will check my electrical connections.
Thank you!, The wall had a hole about the size of a box that boots would come in. A mortar board covered it!! Thanks for the info, on the KILZ. Electrical is good!! Just weird.. Have a great day!
I'm going to re-check my heat lamp out in the coopshed today. I've got 1 heat lamp out there, but I've also got some old bales of hay lining the walls for insulation.

csibb, just give me a call anytime. I look forward to hearing from you.

My computer is slowly beginning to crash on me, so I'm not online much anymore. My days of posting in BYC are numbered, and the count's going down fast!
So if I disappear and you don't see any posts from me, then you'll know it finally quit running. That will be a VERY sad day!
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I was reading and how did you pack your eggs or how were they packed? I'm interested..I had bought one batch of eggs and packed great and got a small second batch and was not impressed oh that packing even though none broke it was not as much care put into it..so would like to know yours. Thank you!!


I got a good heavy duty box, and I had either 1/2 inch or 1 inch foam, (like a spongy foam) and i lined the whole inside of the box, and then I used Hay (2nd cutting, it is different then the 1st cutting, 1st cutting hay is real coarse, 2nd cutting is real soft I packed a bunch in the box, and would put layers of eggs, (with large ends up, and an inch or 2 between them, then put a bunch more hay on top, and more layers, and so forth, but i did use a lot of hay kind of packed tight, and on top, lined the lid with foam, and wa-la. Then over nighted them with UPS.

I think miss_jayne had a picture up, I don't see it on here anymore!

miss_jayne, if you read this, could you please, put the picture of the box I shipped you the eggs in up so Rufflemyfeathers can see how I shipped them to you?

Thank You!
Super fast? You must have took some sort of quantum physics leap and entered some new dimension of time that is lose to me. 21 days hasn't passed so slowing for me, since my last few weeks of pregnancy.

But now I'm getting really anxious to see how many hatch for me.

Now that I can relate too.
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hi i am new to this site, like what i see. i have just got a bator 4 days ago and have started to have the bug, aready have six grown hens and one big boy name bubba:cool:

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