HATCH COMPLETE! I have 15 beautiful Delaware chicks.

Oh you do got the bug! this year 7 next year 70
Here they all are after their traumatizing day on Friday .
they are now a month old.
I thought my hens might quit laying after all the termoil, but I'm still getting12-16 eggs a day! Oh but my to broody BO hens decided they didn't want to be broody anymore so that is a good thing.



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Wow csibb, those Delahorns look like just like the Delawares! I'm going to have to put permanent marker spots on them! Beautiful chicks, and LOTS of them. I'm glad everyone is doing ok after such a horrific experience. Your hens continuing to lay is just a sign of how much they trust you in taking care of them. They had you to come to their rescue, so they had comfort in that.
LOL, that is why I said get the marker ready, they are getting easier to distinguish all the time.

I had a hen (Leghorn) get in the barn as soon as the fire department left, and lay an egg, I was like sheesh sorry I threw you out.
I'm not one to handle my birds very much because then they will follow me every where, (as they do anyhow) and I have 7- 75 foot rows of tame raspberry bushes, so I don't need them in those during berry time, it is bad enough they scratch all the mulch off after I put it down.
but we have been doing a bit of bonding, a few times a day, since Friday.. Gone to the Birds!
Hi everyone!

I candled the eggs tonight, probably for the last time. Tomorrow night I will be increasing the humidity, and counting down the hours!

All 21 eggs are very much alive and looking great. Air sacs look nice, and all of the chicks are very active.

Hopefully in a few days we'll have a bunch of little yellow fuzzy butts!

Which reminds me....I haven't even figured out what I'm going to put them in if they all hatch!
Time is drawing near! I put mine in one of those, oh like a rubbermaid container, the big ones. All my chicks are in the basement for the first week or 2 after a hatch, or after they arrive.
I hang the heat lamps from the beam, and have the totes on old kitchen chairs, or old end tables it works great.

Good Luck.

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