Hatch Complete w/Specklehens Eggs*PICS*


12 Years
Mar 18, 2007
Northwest Michigan
Today is day 18 for 10 ameraucana eggs and 6 blue orpingtons. The temp is still running a bit low after taking the eggs out of the bator to remove the turner. I am carefully monitoring the temp/humidity and hoping they get back up where they belong real quick. Hopefully Friday I have lots of babies running around.
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That's good news, Heidi! I'll have to live vicariously through you and the other wonderful people hatching babies from my crew since mine are only on Days 12 & 9. Crossing fingers for an excellent hatch for you! Pics, of course, will be required, LOL.
Jeopardy Theme..................

Oh those last three days, the anxiety, sleepless nights.....

Didn't she tell you Blu Orps take 25 days??? JUST KIDDING!!!

PurpleChicken, Pround owner of 4 week old Blue & Splash Orps.
As of right now I have 2 of Charlottes, 1 of Silvers, 1 no name on egg (guess Cyn didn't see who laid that one
), and 1 of Skyes eggs rocking and it is the end of day 18. AMAZING!!!
You're right, Heidi-if there was no name, I wasn't sure who laid it. Right now, I'm trying to keep sort of a casual record of whose eggs hatch best, so that's why the names on each one.
I love it when they rock all over on Day 18! Usually, I have a couple that start dancing the day I move them to the hatcher.
Crossed fingers & prayers coming your way for another awesome hatch, Hatcher Heidi!!! Can't WAIT to see the gorgeous Suedelettes and Scoutlettes!
Cyn are you telling me you have better things to do then sit in the coop and watch who lays what eggs? LOL I was pleasantly surprised on all of the names penciled in on the eggs. In my opinion, you are one of the best breeders in these 50 states. You go far beyond the norm.

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