hatch date is Friday! Anyone else? IT HATCHED! PICS********


11 Years
Nov 25, 2009
***********pics on page 12***************

I have 2 dozen eggs in my octagon brinsea from Bobbi Porto's silkies! So exciting! Anyways...... I candled and I have about 8 that look good. I just made little cups(instead of egg cartons) for them to go in during lockdown. I will go into lockdown on Tuesday afternoon probably. Their hatch date is Friday!!!!!! I am being toooooo impatient! Anyone else's hatch day is Friday?? Will update everyday this week to let you guys know the progress. If I get 5 I will be happy.
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I have a turkey sitting on 6 eggs that are due on Wednesday. I am cautiously optimistic as her eggs we fostered under a broody earlier this year hatched and then died 24 hrs later. Hopefully she has better luck! Good luck with your hatch!!!
Mine should go in lock down Friday. Do you have photos of the little cups you made?
I have some hatching
2 Silver Penciled Rocks and Golden Cuckoo and Black Copper Marans I will candle those tomorrow before lock down pretty excited but then I always am. Worse though is I'm going to be gone until Saturday night due to a grandson's graduation
I'm sure they'll be okay I just like to
LOCKDOWN TOMORROW!!! Soooooooooooo excitied!!! I am talking to my eggs now to encourage them to come out quick!
I have 8 or 9 going into lockdown probably. I will candle better when they go in lockdown. I will leave in any that I am unsure of but im sure it will be obvious! I will take a pic today in a few minutes to show yall.

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