Hatch date of April 17th! Anybody with me?

Went into lockdown last night, I sad because I want the Porcelain Duccles really bad out of 7-- one was a quiter early on and 4 were clear, still unclear of the other 2 locked them down anyways. But the pene's and the golden cooper marans and blue amerucana's look all good only one clear amerucanna. I have quite a bit of rocking going on in there. So I'm getting really excited. Down the steps, up the steps, back down the steps, back up the steps no change. Heres me
I have 6 chicks, and lot's of pips/zips in progress. I love hatch day! I'm hoping for a better hatch than the last few times, because I moved the bator down to the basement. It's keeping the temperature more constant, and the humidity much higher, 75%-78% vs. 35%-42%! Best of luck to all of you and your un-hatched chicks!

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