hatch day peeping?

Sometimes you do, sometimes you don't..I usually don't hear any peeping until the egg pips. Good luck! It's always fun see that first pip!
ok thanks
I just wasn't sure since I had seen so many people talk about peeping little eggs
AHHHHHHHHHHH! I hear PEEEPING!! I'm so excited!! The eggs is shaking around in there! WOOHOOO!!!! My first ever hatch, I hope it makes it!
I only had 2 eggs make it to lock down. I set 7 Trader Joe's eggs. The first one was very fast - a few hours. The second one got stuck and the membranes dried up and I could tell there was no flexing in the egg anymore. I helped it out with a warm wash cloth and as I moistened things up, it was pushing so hard to get all the way out. He has been in that same place for 10 hours! Both are out!


#2 -Seven

I have a video of DeeDee hatching but I don't know how I could get that on here?
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