Hatch Day Today!!! June 4th "Update with Pictures"


8 Years
May 22, 2011
So far i have two barred rock roosters hatched....and i can see another one with the pip hole and one egg i think it died during the pip process anyway im glad so far 2 have hatched but if they live i will have 6 barred rock baby roosters! i dont need that many and my mom said we might have to put an ad in the paper to get rid of them i mean so far i only have 1 red sex link hen chick and she says we will need to change out the roosters every month to see who gives more hens then roosters cause of the whole y and x chromosomes
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Mine too! And nothing is happenjng either!
mine are dur today and six haved poked a hole, but the white membrane is still in tact, so i dont know if there going to hatch
well i have total of 12 eggs in the bator so right now 4 are hatched and im waiting on the others i give them until monday to finish hatching cause that will be day 23 and then i will give them alittle shake and see if i hear peeping cause i know when one is dead by the horrible smell coming from inside
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Male birds have two Z chromosomes and female birds have a Z and a W chromosome, such as in human females have two X chromosomes and males have a X and a Y chromosome. In humans, the males determines the sex of a child from the X and Y chromosomes as the female passes on the X chromosome and the male either an X or Y which determines what sex the child will be. In birds The males pass on the Z chromosome and the female passes on either a Z or W which determines what sex a chick will be.
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