Hatch On Dates: Oct-nov? Dont Forget About This Post!!!

22 Silver Spangled Hamburgs (scoopy82)
8 Australorps x Silkie (scoopy 82)
12 Mixed (scoopy82)
11 Welsummers (Nmarine1057)
8 buff barred cochin bantams (stephanie1992)
13 frizzle cochin bantams (stephanie 1992)
6 Blue silkies (stephanie1992)
8 sizzle silkies (stephanie1992)
6 frizzle polish (stephanie1992)
6 white leghorn (delpygirl)
6 barnevelder (delpygirl)
12 assorted pure Marans - Cattitude
1 Black Rosecomb - Cattitude
2 Easter Eggers - Cattitude
4 Sebright - Cattitude
4 pure Silkie - Cattitude
10 Silkie-X project - Cattitude
Silkie eggs - 9 Partridge, 3 White, and 2 BBS
7 bantam cochins to this mix! big_smile
8 Black Copper Marans
2 mystery mixes
I'll try to add mine here too:
3 mixed 'green' eggs'
6 mixed 'pink' eggs
3 mixed 'ivory' eggs
5 mixed 'brown' eggs
1 welsummer (my hen)
these 18 are from 'my' hens, then:
5 Barnsvelders (one is a dud already)
3 Seramas (one is clear)
3 Black Copper Marans
4 Cochin
5 Americana (1 is clear)
2 Dorking
4 Favorolle (one scrambled tho)
2 Welsummer
these 28 were bought/shipped/box crushed/many scrambled. :-(
11 - Buff Orpington
11 - Easter Eggers
6- Silkie Sizzles
10 - Cochin Frizzles
2 - Brown Leghorn
17 Marans
3 Buttons
34 Silkies
4 EE`s on 9/10-9/11,all are chirping,
just candled and this is what i can see are good from my shipped eggs

1 Buff Barred Cochin Bantam-started with i think 8 (wish more lived, hoping its a pullet!!)
9 Frizzle cochin Bantams- started with 10
4 Blue Silkies- started with 6
3 Mixed breed- started with 5 of my own not shipped
and the sizzle silkies and frizzle polish are still pretty new but i can see 2 frizzle polish growing so far!!
my numbers are dropping too. Not surprising on shipped eggs, but I had hoped to be the exception.

BO - 4 (started 11)
EE - 10 (started 11) these are just too hard to candle, more could be bad and just can't see
Sizzle - 6 (started 6)

Frizzle - 4 (started 10)
Leghorn - 2 (started 2) these are fertility experiment from own birds, seeing blood veins, but no obvious embryo
Love the video Steph, looks like everyone is coming along nicely! My wiggler was at 98.3 a second ago so I had to up the temp
we would have been posting more last night but we had my niece and she is very demanding!


Her first chicken pic, you can see but she has a little chicken on the front of her shirt!!

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