Hatch On Dates: Oct-nov? Dont Forget About This Post!!!

22 Silver Spangled Hamburgs (scoopy82)
8 Australorps x Silkie (scoopy 82)
12 Mixed (scoopy82)
11 Welsummers (Nmarine1057)
8 buff barred cochin bantams (stephanie1992)
13 frizzle cochin bantams (stephanie 1992)
6 Blue silkies (stephanie1992)
8 sizzle silkies (stephanie1992)
6 frizzle polish (stephanie1992)
6 white leghorn (delpygirl)
6 barnevelder (delpygirl)
12 assorted pure Marans - Cattitude
1 Black Rosecomb - Cattitude
2 Easter Eggers - Cattitude
4 Sebright - Cattitude
4 pure Silkie - Cattitude
10 Silkie-X project - Cattitude
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Is there a website you can give me where you bought your silkie eggs? I have 3 silky hens and silkie rooster but still young and I really want to have more silkie babies and don't know if I can wait on them to start laying, lol.
Oh yay! My half-dozen Barnevelder eggs are clearly developing on day 4 candling! The Australorps are six for six right now, too. *bounce*
My wife and I had been debating chickens for over 7 yrs. We're finally settled and wanted to raise from eggs. Last Sunday the 25th, we put the following in a LG incubator 4 black copper marans, 4 wheaton ameraucanas, 2 blue laced red wyandottes, and 2 olive eggers. I plan to candle tomorrow. This is a first for everything for us and we're rather excited.
post pics as soon as u do!! its soo hard to know the humidity in mine because theres nothing to tell me what it is soo i go by the air cells in the eggs. Hope all urs r doin well!!

Pet store carries humidity gauges for cheap if you want to get one
Is there a website you can give me where you bought your silkie eggs? I have 3 silky hens and silkie rooster but still young and I really want to have more silkie babies and don't know if I can wait on them to start laying, lol.

Here's something http://www.hatchingeggs.net/Hatching-Chicken-Eggs/Silkie-Chicken-Hatching-Eggs and no candling our niece should help you keep your mind off the eggs

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