Hatchalong - come pick one!!!

So a friend wants to keep chickens and she ordered the eggs and incubator. After hearing about my great success with my incubator she bought the same one in a bigger size. It takes 110 eggs! She ordered assorted eggs from I think Murray McMurray Hatchery?. Not really sure. They sent a list of the numbered eggs and what breed will hatch out of that egg! I’m so excited!!! I am going to just list what breeds were included and will let you know what you picked out - what breed. But you have to take a guess first!! But I will say what breeds were included.

Ameraucana, Blue Andalusian, Barred Rock, Silver Grey Dorking, Crevecoeur, Speckled Sussex, Whiting True Green/Blue, Buff and Lavender Orpington, Partridge and Barred and Buff Rock, Lemon Cuckoo Niederrheiner, New Hampshire Red, Rhode Island Red, and all types of Wyandottes - Golden, Silver, and Blue Laced Red, and last but not least Ancona.

So go ahead and root for an egg! Name the chick too. And be sure to root for him/her daily because the chickie is going to need you support! 😊🥰
That's a lot of options, I need some time to decide but definitely joining
Can I have a Blue Laced Red Wyandotte please?
The numbers are 15,28,48,58,68,74
#9 Sussex please and #81whatever-she-may-be please 😁
Number 81 is a Blue Andalusian
May I please root for 19? What breed is it? Depending on that I’ll choose a name! Go little chick go!!!
It’s a black Australorp!
That's a lot of options, I need some time to decide but definitely joining! - @chickens105 - Okay. sure take your time
I'll take a Blue Andalusian! I would like to name it Estrella.

110 eggs!?! Wow!
What numbers are the Wyandottes and RIRs?
BLR Wyandotte - 5,28,48,58,68,86

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