hatched chick unable to straighten out neck any suggestions????


Wanna-be Farmer
11 Years
Dec 16, 2008
had a chick pip 2 nights ago and after this morning I decided to intervene since the chick could not get out. Now it cant hold its neck up and is stuck in fetal position. I gave it some of those liquid baby vitamins I read about in another post and separated it. Could this be wry neck or could it maybe be from being stuck in the egg so long unable to hatch? These eggs were from my own flock which gets organic layer feed and I have never had a problem with hatching or the health of my own birds before.
I helped hatch 3 chicks! they were in the position as if they were still in the egg, Neck curled, feet by its head, eyes closed, Everything as if they were in the egg. Then I just a wet paper towel (cold paper towel, but not that cold) and put the chick on top of the paper towel and put it under a heat lamp temp reading 99.9 - 101.3 and humidity 55% then I went to sleep and woke up and all 3 were walking, Just don't touch its neck it will be ok. One lasted about 2 days and a half (2 1/2 days) to uncurl and walk and the other 2 lasted one day. although the one that lasted 2 days died
he was ok but he must of got hit by the standard chicks and he got killed, then I seperated the bantams from the standard and now the ones I helped are running and everything
it is already doing better yeah!!!! I really hate culling new chicks so I am so glad this one is doing better. one more chick out and 2 more on the way hopefully. That will make 5 out of 6 eggs from a batch that I had forgotten the initial incubation date so not to bad

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