Hatchers Anonymous *Official Thread*

I hung a Coleman (battery operated, new-fangled one I inherited from my sister) in the shed for light for me to see at night, and only checked on the chicks twice during the night.

Temp, with that one infrared lamp you can barely see in the photo, stayed up at 80-ish at the side of the brooder with the heat lamp, until bed check at midnight. This morning, it was down to 65, but the smallest chicks were not distressed, just much closer to the lamp, instead of all spread out. So I'm gonna put a second one over the second opening intended for that purpose.

There is also a brooder heater as part of the deal I got, attachable to the bin wall with Velcro, but I am more comfy (familiar) with heat lamps. Maybe later I will set that up.

In a week or so, I will remove the divider so they can all mingle all over the whole interior of the brooder.

I tend to want to put brand new hatchlings into the Bathroom/nursery, at least for the first few days "just in case" anything goes wrong after hatching 'em.
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Linda, I love it! The dividersand hatches are great! Congrats!!!
Two more photos:
Nugget, the bantam Cochin roo, checking out the shed.

A bigger view, including the new feed cans. With some of the freely ranging flock (right after having eaten old fashioned oatmeal, dry, from my hands).

Houston, we have an new enabler!!!

I was out on appointments for work yesterday and got back into the office to find an interesting article on my desk. It was titled: "Chicken Diapers" from Entrepreneur magazine. I was a bit taken aback by the whole situation, when my father came bounding around the corner..."Did you see the article?!?!" "Yea, Dad...chicken diapers?" "No!!! At the top, I wrote something...go to the website!"

He had written, "chickendiapers.com See White Fluffy, Gallery, Page 5". So, of course, I did. Well, folks..."White Fluffy" is a gorgeous white Silkie. So guess who now wants me to hatch him some white silkies come Spring...

I have had this vision of building a second coop to mirror the 1st, to house my SPPRs separately, attaching the two by an enlarged outdoor run system. Where in the heck am I going to put Silkies!?!

My coop is designed for 12-15 standards, but I really think 12 should be the absolute max. If I have the four standards in there now, can I mix in bantams safely? Will the BRs bother the Silkies? I've already got my random little Modern Game roo, Bullet, to worry about in the Spring, but I'm hoping that he's so laid back and younger than my BR roo, Kip, that he'll just go with the flow. Kip is extremely calm and docile, as well. All birds are able to be handled.
If it wasn't official before it is now. I have discovered the Hatcher. You can incubate eggs on one bator and then move them to a hatcher bator to finsh out. I know that most everyone know this, but I had ordered eggs from two sources to arrive at the same time. One did and the other won't be until next week due to 10 degree nights and 20 degree days. I agree with the seller that warmer weather next week would be better to collect the eggs he is sending me. So what am I to do? This will only be my 4 attempt at hatching and my mind set was you batch at a time every three and a half weeks or so weeks can only do one-- I did have the AHA moment. I was able to find a free large thick sided cooler on craigslist to make my hatcher out of( my bator is homemade too and doing well. I have revised it after every hatch do to the learn curve. Also found great packing crates that will make wonder frames for my coops for the breeding and grow out pens...

I have a definate goal in mind with the eggs I am ordering. I am looking to breed LF Frizzle Blue Cochins. To this end I need Frizzle and smooth blue and black of both sexes and want a number of each to choose the best. And then there are the Blue Marans as a gift for my friend and horse trainer and my first got to have chickens-- BLRWs. ( They are just starting to lay)

I started back with Chickens after 20+ years without them with the thought of having 2 or 3 hens for eggs less then a year ago....

I can now start a new batch of eggs every week!!!
Good lord, here is where I am now:
14 chicks hatched in last four days.
4 late eggs I am still waiting on.
10 chicks a bit older in brooders.
Set a dozen call duck eggs 3 days ago.
Set 28 LF Cochin eggs yesterday.

Hey, but at least I am having a new, nice large 8 x 8 coop built!
Go Linda! haha You'll have to share pics of the fancy new coop!!!

I'm really hoping to get in on the Easter Hatch, provided Wynette's lovely SPPRs will grace me with some eggies. Seeing as my girlies put the brakes on, too, I'm without any eggs for now.

Question for you peeps: I have read that hatching "pullet eggs" is a bad idea. At what point are eggs ready for hatching? I REALLY want to hatch some from my BSL...she produces such beauties and so consistently...I'd love to clone her!

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