Hatchery chicks


16 Years
Mar 30, 2008
I got an order of chicks in from McMurray... some of them are for a friend who wanted just a small quantity. She wanted 2 Barred Rocks, and my experience with the BR was from some that somebody gave me. They were on the aggressive side. The roosters chased small children and the hens pecked when gathering eggs. Since I also had Cuckoo Marans in this shipment, I asked that her Barred Rocks be marked. They marked them, but when I looked at the packing list I saw that they included '1 Barred Rock - Free Extra'. I have since lost either the Barred Rock extra (that wasn't marked as the others were) or one of the Marans. I got them on Monday (March 1st). My question is... Is there a way to tell hatchery Barred Rock chicks from their Marans? They look alike to me! And being hatchery birds, will I ever be able to tell the difference?
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Well, I dunno?
When the chicks get older you should be able to tell the barred Rock from the marans. Can you post a pic?
Thank you for the replies... though I about had heart failure when I went down and noted that ALL of them have dark legs, some with black streaks on the toes. So I was looking for pictures on line, and feathersite shows Maran chicks with toes and legs like mine? Is it possible that they are Marans that are a lower quality? I sure hope they aren't all Barred Rocks!

I don't know when I will be able to get pics, they are under a red brooder lamp in my basement right now, can't bring the upstairs because the cats would see a snack.

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