Hatchery RIR's?


Dense Egg Goo
9 Years
Mar 22, 2010
Sacramento CA
I am on the fence about what breed chicks I am getting, and I keep tipping between RIR and EE's. I have one BR and one EE so far. I had some questions about Hatchery quality RIR's. Please post pictures as well of your Hatchery RIR hens here if you have any handy
I am on the fence but maybe if I learn some things. I know bred RIR's tend to be different then Hatchery as with most breeds, and I will be getting my chicks from a hatchery.

What age abouts did your hens start laying?

How are your hens temperments?

How is production with your hens?

Anything else you would like to add about your hatchery RIR please do! Thanks a ton! Also pictures are appreciated
Hatchery production Reds are great layers and lay darker eggs, but they dont hold a candled to the size and natural beauty of a well bred RIR.

https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=283534 If you go the the RIR breed thread and look on page 6 post 55 you will see some of William Bennett's ( Pine Groves) RIRs and look through the rest of the thread and you will see hatchery stock and there is a huge difference in appearance. And will Williams birds, he can walk in the pen and pick them up like big puppies. With my past experience with hatchery reds, I didnt like them and sold them all and said I would never get RIRs again, but after seeing Williams birds and meeting him, I just got some chicks from him a couple weeks ago and I dont plan to ever have hatchery reds again.
My only choice is hatchery birds sadly
either hatchery RIR or EE's. Far as I know there are no RIR breeders in the Sacramento area.
Ok well if you are just wanting them for layers then they should work out for you. I didnt like my EEs either, I've been working on selling all the young ones and I sold the breeding flock yesterday, so I am finally EEless now.
i got 10 rir from ideal and they were greatvery quiet and
gave me 7 to 8 eggs a day once they reached their 6 months of age
very sweet docile and could be handled also very curious and liked to follow me around..
great pets also my grandma has them now though she loves them haha



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