Hatchery vs. Local Feed Store


I, too, am still considered a newbie to the chicken world. I started out last June ordering 16 chickens from an online hatchery, but I now have a total of 32 chickens with 18 eggs soon to hatch in the incubator and 6 ducklings. :) I know you are both going to have a lot of fun with your chickens. :)

You are correct about your EEs. Our TSC right now has EEs labeled as Ameraucanas. Most hatcheries don't distinguish between the two and figure if they lay pink, blue, or green eggs they must be Ameraucana, or as some spell it Americauna. Apparently Feed Stores will also come up with some interesting names. My local feed store is currently offering Amber Laced Wyandottes. There's no such breed, but I am planning to get a couple to see how they turn out.

My current breed count:
cockerels: 1 Mottled Houdan, 1 EE, 4 barnyard mixes, and 1 hatchling from about three weeks ago

pullets: 1 Blue Copper Maran, 1 white silkie, 1 Mottled Houdan, 2 Columbian Wyandottes, 1 Golden Laced Polish, 1 Black Polish, 1 Silver Laced Wyandotte (SLW), 1 Golden Laced Wyandotte (GLW), 5 EEs (though I suspect one may be a cockerel), 1 Barred Rock, 2 New Hampshire Reds, 2 Welsummers, 2 Salmon Faverolles, 2 Black Jersey Giants, 1 Buff Orpington, and 1 Red SL.

eggs: 9 SLW and 9 GLW

Chickens are the gateway!
I got my 5 new "Buff" ducks from the local co-op. Somewhere between Ideal and me there was some sort of mix-up. I've got one Buff duck (who is leaning toward the runner portion of his genetics) and four that are quite a bit larger and coming in creamy white. My guess would be Pekin. The one breed of duck I did NOT want. Bummer.
Being a new chick owner
, I went and bought my 4 chicks from the local feed store. For one the store staff can give you tons of tips about which chick looks good to buy, how to care for them, etc. The Hatcheries I feel will get a handful and just put them in a box and ship them to you.
Being a new chick owner:jumpy , I went and bought my 4 chicks from the local feed store. For one the store staff can give you tons of tips about which chick looks good to buy, how to care for them, etc.  The Hatcheries I feel will get a handful and just put them in a box and ship them to you.
feed stores get them from hatcheries and then feed store employee information is often a hit or miss!

I'm pretty sure hatcheries are in business for a reason and cull harshly chicks that don't seem vigorous. They wouldn't willingly ship weak chicks, otherwise they'd be put of business, I'd think anyway!
feed stores get them from hatcheries and then feed store employee information is often a hit or miss!

I'm pretty sure hatcheries are in business for a reason and cull harshly chicks that don't seem vigorous. They wouldn't willingly ship weak chicks, otherwise they'd be put of business, I'd think anyway!
I have a local feed store that prefers buying chicks from local breeders, and they have grown chickens on the property proving they know something about keeping chickens. You're very right, it is a hit or miss, but if one can find some place similar, I highly suggest it. Even in a place like this that is family owned, the younger generation working may not know what one needs, just like any other feed store. Just adding to the statement. :)
Well I bought 3 chicks from my local feed store - they said they were Cuckoo Marans but they ended up being 2 black sex link and 1 barred rock.
I'm about to place my order with Ideal. Our local feed store gets them from there anyway and marks them up however I can buy as little or many as I want from the feed store. I'm going to drive to the hatchery and pick them too so that will help. I don't think one is better than the other but I want specific breeds so I'm ordering. My disclaimer is that this will be my first chicks ever.

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