hatches on on Feb 19 and 20 / BABY PICS ON PAGE 11 & 12!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*L*A*G* :

are u gonna use the egg carton metod? If not yeah just lay them on their sides.

how do i do the egg carton thing?​

just take a carton, poke holes in the bottom for air circulation, and set the eggs in. Large end up. Im doing that with my hatch, due on thurs.
how do i do the egg carton thing?

just take a carton, poke holes in the bottom for air circulation, and set the eggs in. Large end up. Im doing that with my hatch, due on thurs.

thanx. does it matter if i use phone egg carton or do i have to use carboard???
*L*A*G* :

just take a carton, poke holes in the bottom for air circulation, and set the eggs in. Large end up. Im doing that with my hatch, due on thurs.

thanx. does it matter if i use phone egg carton or do i have to use carboard???​

I prefer the paper carton. Ive read that the styrafoam cartons dont allow air to circulate.
When I had a styrofoam incubator I used to put the eggs in a egg carton to hatch as well. It seemed when they were up and down in the turner and I changed their direction by laying them on their side, it messed up their sense of direction. By hatching in a carton they were unchanged in position and hatched better. I did not tear out the bottoms of the cartons ever.

On a different note, my hatch started a day early, like usual, I woke up to a pretty silkie chick, and then a second, of unknown color variety.
These came from a Black male and 1 splash and 5 blue females, and these are obviously NOT blue or black, which should be my only potential colors to get. I think they came from the same hen, as the egg shape and size was the same. They are white, with black chipmunk stripes, hard to see while they are still wet. I will post more pics tomorrow once they are in the brooder.


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I got a pip. I had thought the post office had scrambled them all. DH said leave them in, and when I saw the pic of the one posted candled here I was like heeeeeeeeeeeeeeey I have that. So, turned off the turner Sunday, took one out to candle ever so gently, well it moved in my hand. I just knew I would drop it from excitement. DS said he saw 4 of the eggs rocking in the bator a few hours ago, we ran to watch, and an hour ago we found a hole in one. I am so thrilled I could squeal. The peepers are coming, the peepers are coming. Ok breathe deep, relax, and crossing my fingers that someone makes it, I know they still have alot to go through and variables, but still, I am soooo.......oh you know
Well, since my last eggs hatched late, I thought these might too, but they were right on time! Last I checked, 4 had hatched of the 6, with the other two looking like they were pipping! These are Silkies! They were under their Momma hen, so no incubation duty for me on this batch! I have Ameraucanas in the incubator and some Comet-Silkie crosses if they are even fertile... don't expect much from that, but was worth a shot.

Here's two of the babies... I had two white, two partridge hatch out and no news that I know of on the other two yet!

How exciting! My eggs got scrambled in the mail too... 5 were broken, so I'm hopeful my batch will do ok. They aren't due until the 7th though. I sure hope your hatch goes well!

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