Hatching assistance - help!!

You know it could be just dried on blood. The little chick in question is an australorp. Others that have hatched are brown x2, ancona bantam x2, heritage long lay x 2 (a mix of a heritage breed with a leghorn I think), and a Wyandotte.
Little chick is looking better and better with time, so very happy!
Thought I should update, little chick is going great! Fat and happy :) you would never guess that it had had any trouble at all. As soon as I get the time I will work out how to upload a photo from my phone! We have 8 gorgeous chicks in total.
Have to add, that our little ancona rooster from our last hatch has started to crow! Too cute. Only half a crow at moment, but he does seem to be trying hard!!
Here is "miracle" at 2 weeks (finally worked out how to attach pics from my phone)

Thanks again to all that helped ensure this little guy arrived into the world safely!

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