Hatching Buddies? Button Quail Eggs Due 9/10. HATCHING NOW!!!! PICS!!!

thank you! what will you be setting??

I will be trying for the second time to hatch chamois Sebright eggs.

My first go, only one made it to lockdown, then pipped internally at the wrong end of the egg so couldn't breathe. Needless to say, I found this out too late to save it.

im sorry.
that's too bad. I think the worst feeling in the world is incubating eggs all the way to the hatch date and none of them hatch.
What's NOT exciting about hatching chicks! I know how you feel about checking the eggs every 5 seconds
I hope your's hatch too
The eggs went into lockdown today!!! No more turning no more opening and humidity is at 65%!! Also, I started school today
I miss summer break already. At least I'm not a freshman anymore

There's a problem though. Even though the humidity has been 45% through incubation, the air cells seem very small, especially in the brown ones. But I've heard that during the last 3 days, the air cell doubles in size. I believe that because that's what happened with my duck eggs once.the air cells were barley the size of quarters on day 22 but on day 26 the air cell was half of the egg!
HOPE THEY HATCH!!! I've never had a100% of the eggs that go into lockdown hatch before, so this time I'm trying to go for that goal. Usually I get 1-2 last day quitters.
Just finished moving the eggs going into lockdown into my new incubator that is now my hatcher. I had to run out first thing this AM to pick up the second bator because I recieved our second batch of eggs in todays mail! So I disinfected the old one after moving the eggs to the hatcher, number all the new eggs and put set them as well. So I'm ending one 21 day adventure and starting another. We have a webcam live on our hatching eggs so no one in the family misses the action.
that's cool! how do you set up a webcam?

My hubby did it he's my IT guy.. LOL. Basically he took an old tower we had and hooked it to an old monitor, then put the webcam on it and is hosting it thru one of our various websites that we run for our companies. It's not good quality and it's live with us in the back ground talking every now and then so he has it "hidden". I can ask him for better directions if anyone is interested. If we hatch a third time I think we are going to set it up with a high quality webcam and do a public run of the whole 21 days just without sound.
I've got buttons due on the 13th maybe if I crank up the heat I can get them to hatch on the 10th (just kidding). Keep us posted on your results tho can't wait to see how they do
that's cool! how do you set up a webcam?

My hubby did it he's my IT guy.. LOL. Basically he took an old tower we had and hooked it to an old monitor, then put the webcam on it and is hosting it thru one of our various websites that we run for our companies. It's not good quality and it's live with us in the back ground talking every now and then so he has it "hidden". I can ask him for better directions if anyone is interested. If we hatch a third time I think we are going to set it up with a high quality webcam and do a public run of the whole 21 days just without sound.

that's cool!

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