hatching day 21

Five so far hatched
& in brooder. Only one with tufts that are obvious & all appear rumpless. One other egg started pipping yesterday & now has a good crack & hopefully will hatch out soon. When would you consider helping? I had read helping is a no, no so have been patiently
i had one the other day that had piped a hole and not any more after 14 hours , i was thinking weather to help and didnt i went on with my day and wheni got home 6 hours or so later it had passed away
why oh why didnt i help it
so im thinking i will watch very careful next time if i think one isnt zipping
I've raised the humidity to help with keeping membrane moist. I can see it pushing but the crack is still about the same. The crack is a bit open & covers about 1/4 of the shell, just not much progress since this morning. Suggestions?
I have never helped any of my chicks hatch out before and sometimes some just take longer than others. Just wait a bit longer. If it doesn't make any progress what-so-ever then look online how to do the process of helping and try, if you want.
I only help those pipped for 36 hours. The trick is but the chick back into incubator until (s)he can walk. I have successfully helped many chicks out.
I decided to help this little one as the chicks efforts just seemed to be going nowhere & less movement. The membrane was dry so I followed the link I found to assist with hatching on site. Great information.
I first got together the warm water, wash cloth, paper towels & a pair of tweezers. I only picked away at the outside shell along the crack line just enough to allow the egg shell to crack open some & used the warm wash cloth to wrap the exposed membrane. I did assist the initial opening just a bit & part to the shell fell away. The chick was in my hand halfway & the other half in the other part of the shell. It was peeping & I put it back in the incubator. It seems much weaker than all the others were. Chick is peeping now and moving some, but not standing or pushing itself the last I checked. Hopefully this one will be okay with rest some & get strength back. Now only time will tell.
Congrats on the chicks and good luck with the one you helped. You're right, that is a great thread for helping. It helped me help a few chicks and I had a very good success rate. Before you decide to help her out of the shell look down between her legs to where the navel is and make sure she's detached and the yolk is absorbed. If it's not keep her in there! Wrap her in a damp cloth if you need to.
When she's out keep her in the incubator until she's dry and if she's really weak dip her beak into a little sugar water.
The little one passed last night. I believe this was for the best, there were issues, spradle legged & so weak from the start. Unfortunately, just not healthy.
Good news is I have five healthy Araucana Chicks!
One is tufted, all appear rumples. They are active & bright eyed. One is light pale yellow, three gray, & one black. I think the darker ones may be duck winged? They all have lighter under sides with lighter tipped wings.

I have four eggs in incubator still, today is day 25 should I remove them now or wait another day?

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